Synowie Wandy 0 (0 - 0) 3 FKK Rantiochskie Kr.
Round 9 in SLP Ekstraklasa
Season 37 in SLP Liga Pilkarska
Stadion Centralny tow. Wandy 2020-08-08 19:30
Referee: Charlie Fender (S2, H1)
The jersey is in the laundry
Synowie Wandy
GK B Sopta
D V Vukovic
D N Chistyakov
D S Davin
D V Grabar
MF G Pzepzechowicz (C)
MF S Zecevic
MF E Frolijk
MF P Carlos Lopez
MF T Golovachev
F E Reichold
R S Cosovic
R P Strandman
R Z Belakovic
R R Mamic
R N Norrström

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




51 0 - 1 Set piece freekick: Goal scorer was Graeme Hardie assisted by Aníbal Regina
60 Pasqual Torro of FKK Rantiochskie Kr. was substituted by Ola Kalmanawardze
84 0 - 2 Set piece freekick: Goal scorer was Evan Pila assisted by Aníbal Regina
91 0 - 3 Header from a cross: Goal scorer was Benigno Gomes assisted by Dimitar Misura
Possession: 39 - 61 (47-53)
Chances: 1 - 7 (1-0)

Home - Man Of The Match - Away
Grzegorz Pzepzechowicz Aníbal Regina

Game comments
Official comments
No cóz. Widac, kto odpoczywa w tygodniu.
Synowie Wandy 2020-08-08 

Komus w drugiej polowie zaplon odcielo...
FKK Rantiochskie Kr. 2020-08-08 

Other comments
Sthurmhowy (RVT Hrabia Ruhnhoff) 2020-08-08 
W sumie zadziwiajaca dysproporcja.

The jersey is in the laundry
FKK Rantiochskie Kr.
GK R Schulte
D L Braun
D O Garamendi
D A Ocheanã
D A Regina (C)
MF G Hardie
MF P Torro
MF B Gomes
MF D Misura
F N Pakarinen
F E Pila
R J Ahonen
R B Hykkyrä
R J Rasi
R P Koivumäki
R O Kalmanawardze

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




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