FC Geldberg 1 (1 - 1) 1 FC Zielnybor
Round 1 in Zlota Dywizja
Season 51 in Liga Królewska
Geldberg Arena 2020-07-15 19:30
Referee: Hans Grüber (S5, H9)
The jersey is in the laundry
FC Geldberg
GK F Ostalczyk (C)
D V Kvarv
D F Testa
D A Gylfison
D A Maria Banaszkiewicz
MF A Guerra
MF J Moshogiannis
MF E Hatton
MF C Moorenhaut
MF P Daly
F T Hope
R S Slomka
R R Vahtla
R G Kristjánsson
R F Ardbeg

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




23 1 - 0 Breakaway: Goal scorer was Cornelis Moorenhaut assisted by Antoni Maria Banaszkiewicz
27 Reinhard Wachter was booked
44 1 - 1 Header from a cross: Goal scorer was Cuthbert Butterworth assisted by Gustav Steingruber
50 Grant Tibbs of FC Zielnybor was substituted by Aron Kluivert
55 Jannis Moshogiannis was booked
56 Evan Hatton of FC Geldberg was substituted by Rain Vahtla
60 Antoni Maria Banaszkiewicz of FC Geldberg was substituted by Guðmund Kristjánsson
76 Thommy Hope of FC Geldberg was substituted by Frank Ardbeg
80 Michael Banke of FC Zielnybor was substituted by Markku Viitaluoma
Possession: 54 - 46 (56-44)
Chances: 6 - 4 (3-2)

Home - Man Of The Match - Away
Florian Ostalczyk Reinhard Wachter

Game comments
Official comments
Przynajmniej trafilismy, ze Tibbs bedzie kryty :D
FC Zielnybor 2020-07-15 

Other comments
Przemek_H (FC Geldberg) 2020-07-15 
Wahalem sie do konca pomiedzy Tibbs a Steingruber :D

The jersey is in the laundry
FC Zielnybor
GK R Leenders
D L Cahill
D A Almanza
D R Schlader
D R Wachter (C)
MF T Gabrielt
MF G Steingruber
MF G Tibbs
MF C Butterworth
F G Cernache
F M Banke
R W Broome
R A Duran
R W Grahler
R A Kluivert
R M Viitaluoma

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




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