Lucio De Angelo

Defender , 35 years

Team: FK Ariljac
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season Division 4h 18 3(2) 2(1) 2(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Total - 314(120) 52(29) 11(6) 41(23) 3(0) 26(6) 0(0) 56(1) 21(0)

Previous clubs
Helsingfors RG 57 0 2 403 2020-01-22 23:25 12 585 800 econ


MVP 14 Xpert Elevens Division 4g Hattrick League 72
MVP 14 Xpert Elevens Division 4h Hattrick League 71


Times injured: 11
Days injured: 64
DateDays Match report
2023-09-16 9 Underhill Bees - FK Ariljac
2023-07-08 3 Team Humpty - FK Ariljac
2023-05-13 4 FC Ravens - FK Ariljac
2023-04-22 3 FK Ariljac - Oberlausitzer Wölfe
2023-02-25 19 FK Ariljac - Team Humpty
2023-01-21 4 FK Ariljac - Launderette Loiterers
2022-09-20 3 Missing
2021-11-06 3 FK Ariljac - Blackburn FC
2020-05-16 8 FK Ariljac - Malcolm Army FC
2020-03-28 4 FK Ariljac - Sebago Town FC
2019-11-11 4 Helsingfors RG - UnI ChI DucI

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