Knights of Cydonia FC
Division 5:21, Ultimate League
Menadžer: TheAPERSON
Will the Ultimate League get cancelled?
Knights of Cydonia FC continued their strong season with victory over Ex-Machine X11 FC but with a massive six pointer against Damned Redemption coming up, there are concerns over player health going forward.

Rumour has it that several players from Ultimate League top flight teams are putting pressure on the Ultimate League FA to suspend the rest of the season  Notable players calling for this include Izwan Razman, John McClane, Adolf Ulvros, Cecil Marks, Milivoj Vilotjevic and Jakob Ekvall who are all arguing that player health should take priority over competition at all times. Yet the Ultimate League FA has continued to do nothing about the spread of the Corona Virus and following the cancellation of several other major sporting events many official X11 leagues including the Ultimate League have been called into question.

In times like these, though we are all deeply competitive individuals we have to prioritise what is most important, human health. Knights fully understand what these top flight players mean and will be fully understanding if the league has to be suspended.

The timing is far from ideal as we come toward the business end of the season where many divisions have many different promotion and relegation battles going on as well as the title battle in the top division, but when human lives are at steak, then we have to remember that we live in an age where the internet exists and alternative means of entertainment are out there that don't risk human lives.

We will await to hear from the Ultimate League FA over what will happen from all of this but it could potentially be a problem, especially given the cross continental travel some teams have to participate in to play league matches. Even if the right decision is not one that is convenient to us we will totally understand the situation should the Ultimate League suspend the rest of the season.

2020-03-13 08:08 4053 Pogledi Reporter: Hertz_Van_Rental

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