Wolfy FC
Division 5:3, Xpert International
Menadžer: Sayan44
Manager threatens to quit
India are having a mixed season. With 2 wins and a 1 draw and 1 defeat, they were somewhere in the mix, hanging right there, above the safe zone and closer to promotion place. A win is necessary at this point. India faced Ballistik this monday in the league. Following their cup win India were confident about getting positive result from the match, whereas Ballistick with 2 draws and 2 defeats, were looking for their first league win of the season.

Chris MacCuish free kick on 4th minute gave India the perfect start they needed. Ballistic started pressing and on 22nd minute their hardwork paid off when Emílio do Carmo's header went into India's goal to level the scores. India did create one more chance but failed to capitalize. Ballistick also had their chance to go ahead just before half time but they blew it as well. Players were heading to the tunnel as both teams were deadlocked.

Gerhard Krauser of India was brought on, at the beginning of 2nd half. India were looking for a goal desperately. Suddenly another cross from Ballistick was headed into the net by Emílio do Carmo's fantastic effort, but linesmann flagged him offside. The goal was cancelled. On 80th minute, Ballistick made triple substitution as their marksman Emillio do Carmo was among the players to get subbed.

Young Alessandri Del Piero who has been the talking point of Ballistick's struggling season came on. The subs clearly changed the tempo of the game, as Ballistik started pressing again. It was 86th minute, when Fausto Dal Moro's cross was guided into the net by Del Piero to the joy of home fans. India lost the match, yet again. Ballistik got 3 points for the first time in the season. India's manager spoke out afterwards.

"It has been like that since last season. I take one step forward, players take two steps back. I am trying to get the missing pieces of the puzzle together. But I can't do it alone. Players are not showing enough motivation, to work on. I have arranged two special training sessions this week, despite the situation around the world. We face Fiorentina Viola next in the cup, and I hope my players better stand up. Because clearly in this match, we had the better ball possession, more chances created, better performance, yet we lost. It is getting harder day by day to work in this situation.

"I really am hoping that I can find the winning combination for this team. I mean, look, I have worked with 6-7 teams previously, but all of them had their best line up/ winning combination, whatever you want to say. But this team is weird. Sometime it wins with players I never expected to perform, and in the next match, they will play like they are playing football for the first time. I have to get this team into a shape. We need to be focused, we need to win our next 3/4 matches. This is my final try. If I fail, I will move on. Because management is like a relationship. And currently this relationship is going through a toxic phase."

2020-04-01 19:03 1723 Pogledi Reporter: TonyBrazil

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