Starosarmacja 6 (0 - 0) 5 Dreamland
Quarter final in Mikroswiatowa Unia Pilkarska
Xpert Arena (Neutral) 2023-07-19 19:00
Referee: George Buske (S2, H9)
The jersey is in the laundry
GK J Tomaszewski
D D West
D M Coppinger
D C Allermalm
D M Weidinger
MF D Nistorescu
MF T Sawyers (C)
MF E Komarov
MF S Powala
MF R-B Czekanski
F M Seveborg
R L Shipton
R J Hawrot
R J Teserik
R R Helleberg
R X Camilo

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




1 Andreas Hafner was booked
25 Asbjørn Bergwitz was booked
25 Terrence Sawyers of Starosarmacja was injured and was substituted by Xavier Camilo
47 0 - 1 Shot in the penalty area: Goal scorer was Jakob Laimer assisted by Andreas Hafner
49 1 - 1 Header from a cross: Goal scorer was Max Seveborg assisted by Rob-Bert Czekanski
55 Eduard Komarov was booked
83 Jakob Laimer of Dreamland was injured and was substituted by Peter Uldig
Extra time
119 Manfred Linz was booked
Penalty shootout
120 1 - 2 Penalty: Goal scorer was Catarino Nóbrega
120 2 - 2 Penalty: Goal scorer was Chris Allermalm
120 2 - 3 Penalty: Goal scorer was Sjunne Bolin
120 3 - 3 Penalty: Goal scorer was Martin Weidinger
120 3 - 4 Penalty: Goal scorer was Gilberto Mourinho
120 4 - 4 Penalty: Goal scorer was Stanislaw Powala
120 4 - 5 Penalty: Goal scorer was Andreas Hafner
120 5 - 5 Penalty: Goal scorer was Max Seveborg
120 5 - 5 Penalty miss by Stephan Kremslehner in Dreamland
120 6 - 5 Penalty: Goal scorer was Rob-Bert Czekanski
Starosarmacja wins the shoot-out by 5 - 4
Possession: 41 - 59 (36-64)
Chances: 2 - 5 (0-0)

Home - Man Of The Match - Away
Martin Weidinger Sjunne Bolin

The jersey is in the laundry
GK S Kremslehner
D H Schiffler
D A Bergwitz
D S Bolin (C)
D A Hafner
MF A Saville
MF J Laimer
MF M Bityutsky
MF M Linz
MF G Mourinho
F C Nóbrega
R Ö Ríkharðsson
R H Fellaini
R H Maier
R E Manner
R P Uldig

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




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