A.C. Milan 3 (2 - 1) 1 Dinamo Voluntari
Aggregate score: 3-3 (Dinamo Voluntari advances to next round)
Quarter final in Demo League Cup
San Siro 2007-12-05 09:30
Referee: Tyko Scheft (S6, H4)
The jersey is in the laundry
A.C. Milan
GK R Rivaldinho
D M Julinho
D B Azeredo (C)
D G Maciel
MF D Duarte
MF D Alves
MF A Althof
MF S Zakharchuk
F M Bovo
F A Miranda
F R Madureira
R E Daniel
R C Spirinho
R G de Mello
R F de Aquino
R A dos Anjos

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




18 0 - 1 Shot after a corner: Goal scorer was Vincent Annemark assisted by Petrus Normberg
21 Henning Widén was booked
23 Petrus Normberg slightly injured, Dinamo Voluntari
28 1 - 1 Breakaway: Goal scorer was Adilson Althof assisted by Geraldo Maciel
36 2 - 1 Header from a cross: Goal scorer was Adilson Althof assisted by Diego Alves
55 3 - 1 Shot in the penalty area: Goal scorer was Rico Madureira assisted by Marcelo Bovo
57 Diego Alves of A.C. Milan was injured and was substituted by Adriano dos Anjos
60 Rico Madureira of A.C. Milan was injured and was substituted by Guido de Mello
Possession: 48 - 52 (47-53)
Chances: 7 - 5 (4-4)

Home - Man Of The Match - Away
Adilson Althof Joel Klarström

The jersey is in the laundry
Dinamo Voluntari
GK E Lundbäck
D L Törngren (C)
D R Edvardsson
D A Stenmark
D P Normberg
MF J Klarström
MF H Widén
MF L Bergkvist
MF A Tüzun
F V Annemark
F J Mattisson
R A Ahlstedt
R B Fantenberg
R J-E Frid
R V Fredholm
R F Hintze

Team ratings

Teamwork values
Whole team




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