

Offline Alecky 



Livre d'Or



Aapje - 2009-02-24 18:56
Hehe good luck on that. You will need it ;)

Mothy - 2009-02-24 14:16
what u'r prediction about UCL tonight

Inter vs MU ?

R Madrid vs Liv ?

Mothy - 2009-02-24 14:11

o ya i have a question

what is u'r relationship with Alecky ??

Aapje - 2009-02-24 13:20
Maybe my ranking sucks but I've never lost a game against Germany ;)

And you're just jealous of my mad drinking skill!

Mothy - 2009-02-24 12:31
Aapje - Today at 11:59
Like I need any tips from you ;)
hay scotland

@alecky .. i want to improve my english skill. Come on chat with me.. and correct me if i'm wrong ;)

Aapje - 2009-02-24 11:59
Like I need any tips from you ;)

Mothy - 2009-02-18 07:14
i hope so i hope so


Ranking: 37 of 69721

what do you do for get this rank

Mothy - 2009-02-16 06:50
hahahahahahha ... but not really bad .. my old tim still in number 2 ..

hiks my Indonesia must be relegation to division 1 T__T

Aapje - 2009-02-15 22:45
Some old defenceless lady ;)

Mothy - 2009-02-14 06:01
hahahaha ... how about my team now ??

Karisma-1st - 2009-02-08 18:15
LoL, unfortunately I would blame my winter vacation in Lebanon and my visit to Farraya! :p

Systemize - 2009-02-04 14:10
He is pretty awful !

lol Yeah, we usually talk everyday. I don't think he's making a return to x11 though.

Systemize - 2009-02-04 07:07
Oh, is there a hint of sarcasm in that comment of yours. :P I have a manual of how not to be like me, I think you'd be better suited with that one. :P

Systemize - 2009-01-02 01:49
Hahaha Okay, but you did say you'd take it easier on her so ha! :P!

Systemize - 2009-01-01 19:36
Happy New Years Alecky ! I better hear about you treating your girlfriend better this year, or I may have to steal her from you (wasn't me) :P

247-233 232-218 217-203 202-188 187-173 172-158 157-143 142-128 127-113 112-98 97-83 82-68 67-53 52-38 37-23 22-8 7-1

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