Info liga - World Premier League

Pagina ligii:
ID-ul ligii: 207390
Admin-ul ligii: Allenout
Asistentii ligii:
Ratingul ligii:
Pozitie: Pozitia 90
Vârsta medie a membrilor: 46 ani
Număr de echipe: 72
Echipe active: 71
Echipe VIP: 39
Creata in data de: 2009-05-23
Sezonul incepe in: 2024-04-06
Sezonul se termina in: 2024-05-23
Tipul ligii: Liga privata (Barbati)
Sistemul ligii: 1:1
Divizii: 9
Trucuri murdare: Neactivat
Transferuri directe: Activat
Schimbarea numelor jucatorilor: Activat
Zilele meciurilor: Miercurea si Sâmbata
Ora meciurilor: 18:00
VIP pre-platit: 2x1 luna
Demografie: England: 46%
Scotland: 15%
Norway: 6%
Portugal: 4%
Indonesia: 3%
Conditii: Nu sunt articole!

Go Ahead Eagles 103
Real Ale FC 102
Roker Roar 101
TS Wildcats IV 97
The Outlaw Gentlemen 96
The Outlaw Gentlemen 95
The Outlaw Gentlemen 94
Real Ale FC 93
Red Star 92
Red Star 91
Go Ahead Eagles 90
Fake Sadrid 89
Go Ahead Eagles 88
Go Ahead Eagles 87
Real Ale FC 86
The Turkish Delights 85
Red Star 84
K.A.A. Gent 83
Taunton United 82
Taunton United 79
Taunton United 74
The Turkish Delights 72
The Turkish Delights 71
The Turkish Delights 70
Tarskavaig Crofters 61
Sutton Park Rangers 60
Tarskavaig Crofters 59
Red Star 58
The Outlaw Gentlemen 57
The Outlaw Gentlemen 56
Go Ahead Eagles 55
Taunton United 55
Real Ale FC 54
Real Ale FC 53
Real Ale FC 52
Real Ale FC 51
Galacticos of Madrid 51
Fake Sadrid 50
The Ethnic Cleansers 49
The Ethnic Cleansers 48
Galacticos of Madrid 48
Galacticos of Madrid 47
Galacticos of Madrid 46
Fake Sadrid 45
C.O.Z 44
Fake Sadrid 43
Roker Roar 41
Roker Roar 40
Roker Roar 39
Just For Laughs 39
Fake Sadrid 37
The Turkish Delights 36
The Turkish Delights 35
The Turkish Delights 33
Roker Roar 32
Galacticos of Madrid 30
Galacticos of Madrid 29
Galacticos of Madrid 28
Galacticos of Madrid 27
Galacticos of Madrid 26
Rushden and Diamonds 26
Galacticos of Madrid 25
Fake Sadrid 18
TomBhoys 1888 17
C.O.Z 15
C.O.Z 14
C.O.Z 13
C.O.Z 12
C.O.Z 11

Descrierea ligii:
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