
Pressemelding fra Hattrick League

2024-05-05 16:11
Cyka Blyat
Division 2c
Manager: Squid-Kid

Manager Squid-Kid was very pleased after Cyka Blyat's victory over FC Olympus.

'We needed to win and we're delighted that we've hung on. We need an group of players that really want to carry this club forward, hat's the most important thing. We are where we are for these reasons and we need people now to step up to the plate. I think it's going to be very difficult. It was always going to be.' 

When both teams watch the replays back, there will be much to be taken from their respective performances.
Kudos [1]
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2024-03-23 Varteig IL Allstars Mr. K - Vi burde ha vunnet i dag! 0 0
2024-03-17 Varteig IL Allstars Mr. K - Tap. 0 0


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