
Pressemeddelelse fra Classic League

2024-04-14 20:12
Primus FC
Division 3g
Manager: DKorolev

Good game!
Primus FC lost the match against Arsebiscuits, but the management of the club still considers it a good match. The two clubs played plenty of games against each other, and they ended with various results. Both clubs showed they can play football, but tonight the victors were Arsebiscuits.

FC Agram has lost their game and didn't earn any points this week. This means that their follow-uppers are no further that they had been before. However, while the leaders have 23 points, there are a total of three clubs with 19 points who are ready to try and steal the leading position.
Kudos [0]
2024-06-01 Xpert Eleven Dette er en pressemeddelelse 0 0


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