Michelle Thakoerdien

Midfielder , 33 years

Team: Black Sabbath
The player has no yellow cards

Skills and abilities


Special qualities:

Last match
Best match


Current season The Xpert Ladies 20 11(6) 9(7) 3(2) 6(5) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 7(4) 3(2)
Total - 324(139) 144(81) 82(47) 62(34) 0(0) 18(5) 0(0) 83(34) 27(9)

Previous clubs
Spanish Ladies 1 0 0 4 2019-05-29 06:43 21 133 400 econ


Most points 6 points The Xpert Ladies The Xpert Ladies 71
Most bookings 3 yellow cards The Xpert Ladies The Xpert Ladies 71
Most points 9 points The Xpert Ladies The Xpert Ladies 69
Top scorers 8 goals The Xpert Ladies The Xpert Ladies 69
MVP 12 Xpert Elevens The Xpert Ladies The Xpert Ladies 69
Top scorers 5 goals The Xpert Ladies The Xpert Ladies 68
Most points 6 points The Xpert Ladies The Xpert Ladies 68
Top scorers 5 goals The Xpert Ladies The Xpert Ladies 67
Most points 6 points The Xpert Ladies The Xpert Ladies 67


Times injured: 14
Days injured: 128
DateDays Match report
2023-12-30 15 Black Sabbath - Team Anacletas
2023-10-31 24 Murcielago - Black Sabbath
2023-09-19 3 Hot Celebrity Girls - Black Sabbath
2023-09-09 8 Nytt lag - Black Sabbath
2023-05-27 3 Juventistele - Black Sabbath
2023-01-31 19 Black Sabbath - Främre Tölö Citykaniner
2022-05-10 21 Black Sabbath - She-Wolves
2021-12-07 14 ShamLam Doobily Dodgers - Black Sabbath
2021-11-06 4 Black Sabbath - JAV Idols FC
2021-09-04 4 ASU Politehnica - Black Sabbath
2021-08-25 5 Missing
2020-10-13 4 FC Sprezzatura - Black Sabbath
2019-06-18 2 Black Sabbath - Samurai
2019-06-04 2 Missing

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