Xpert League, Xpert League
Menadžer: Hernas
Dream fulfilled
This is one for the books.

Jaes' manager Hernas was quickly surrounded by reporters right after the final whistle.

When asked about how was the feeling, he reply right away:

"Nobody deserved it more than ourselves. After what we experienced last season, the way we performed throughout the entire campaign and how we lost the championship in the last match by goal difference...we had to make amends and try it again. We owed to ourselves to beat the competition and win this title despite all the handicaps we put against ourselves in the path and project. After what we went through last campaign, this story ending is even more heroic."

When questioned about why was that so important, he confessed:

"We proved all doubters wrong. Everybody kept saying to me that it was not possible to compete in the higher divisions without the best players and without some sort of 'VIP support' to have the edge on others. Let me tell you, for two seasons straight we achieved championship points and we proved every doubter wrong. We haven't spent an econ on players and we never put an euro into any type of advantage. We only played with the tools everybody is allowed to play with right from the start: knowledge and talent. For the first time, I'm pretty sure, a team wins his official league's main division from bottom to top only with the academy lads. And in a game with so many parameters to classify who does it better, doing the unthinkable kinda puts you right into the spotlight."

Hernas also remembered the unfair ranking system this game has and how it fueled his will to get on top:

"This system is completely non-sense. I'm the current champion, previous vice-champion, and I look into the rankings and I'm only the 61st best? Nobody dares to try to emulate what I did, many of the managers out there spend fortunes in players and will never reach Division 1 and much less win the Xpert League, and after these two last seasons is this the best ranking I got?"

About his team's future, he said:

"Too soon to think about it. We are mind-blown on what we achieved, on how singular this conquest is in the whole X11 history and by the chance to compete on the Xpert Champions League next season. Perhaps the squad is too short for all competitions or we might even be extremely unfavored for those levels, we won't hide it, but we already showed our worth and competence, we have nothing left to prove. We will now enjoy what we could only dream about 13 and a half years ago when a young man dared to try to be the best among the rest."

2023-03-16 08:50 1570 Pogledi Reporter: TonyBrazil

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