Division 5:4, Final League
Menadžer: Vitocdoria
New coach promises changes
jsjshhokjsajakshvjsj have appointed Vito Doria as their new coach after he served a two-month ban.

He had resigned as manager of Goxhill Tigers and now he is prepared to take on a new challenge.

X11 reporter: You are back in the public system. How does it feel?

Doria: I feel reinvigorated. I am ready to take on a new challenge and implement my ideas at a new club.

X11 reporter: You resigned from the Goxhill Tigers and they still don't have a stable manager. What are your thoughts?

Doria: I was offered the job back but I declined because I think someone else should take over. They have a lot of players now whereas there are many others that have a shortage.

X11 reporter: What attracted you to the jsjshhokjsajakshvjsj job?

Doria: I have the time and patience to build this squad up. There are 13 players in the squad now and there is room for as many as 23. There is plenty of room, especially as youngsters.

X11 reporter: Don't you feel any financial constraints?

Doria: Not at this level. You can buy a whole starting 11 for 600 000 econ.

X11 reporter: Are you serious?

Doria: Yes. You can buy a player for as low as 47 000 econ and I would usually look at players under 20 and with four or more skill bars.

X11 reporter: You won't win anything with just kids.

Doria: Of course not. Another reason I took this job is because there are enough veterans here. They can guide the kids. I plan to invest in youth first, then buy more veterans if necessary and if we still have adequate funds.

X11 reporter: You have coached at least eight clubs or eight that are still in existence. How long do you plan to stay this time?

Doria: At least three months.

X11 reporter: That seems brief.

Doria: That is the minimum requirement before I can change jobs.

X11 reporter: That doesn't give much hope. How about your former clubs?

Doria: I can't stay put at one club. I think of myself as someone who can take over at clubs and give them a lifeline as well as hope. Most of my old clubs still have plenty of players or have a new managers to elevate them to another level. A lot of players remain in the system thanks to my recruitment style. I like to see value in those who have been discarded by others. When I buy a player, I see someone who has purpose and can add great value.

2024-03-06 23:58 660 Pogledi Reporter: TonyBrazil

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