Universitatea Suceava
Division 5:31, Ultimate League
Menedzser: Jorgiandrade
De multa vreme, de aproximativ 13 ( treisprezece) ani nu am mai scris o astfel de presa. Uite ca reusim, dupa atatia ani, sa legam 17 (saptesprezece) luni de activitate de cand am preluat echipa, 6 ( sase ) sezoane pline, in care am luat echipa de la 0 , doua retrogradari din liga 3 in liga 5 si de patru sezoane stam aici in liga 5 unde e bine si frumos. Echipa a reusit sa creasca, sa ajungem la o oarecare maturitate care ne confera oarecum un statut de favorita pentru sezonul viitor la promovarea in liga 4 daca nu cumva reusim in acest sezon sa spargem ghinionul barajelor si urcam acum.
Legat de joc, nu mi se pare foarte schimbat, principiile lui ramanand aceleasi in mare parte. Cumperi, cresti, rapoarte de schimbari si toate cele. Ma consider un manager vechi, de prin 2007 chiar. Aveam 16 ani cand am aflat de acest joc si inca a ramas in amintirea mea si pot spune ca face parte din mine. Ma bucur ca am reusit sa rezist dupa atatia ani in joc si in ultima perioada cu real interes pentru a incerca in sfarsit sa creez o echipa care sa poata promova. Nu am avut performante notabile niciodata, exceptand cateva ligi castigate ( private bineinteles) . Atat despre mine si "experienta mea " , hai sa vorbim putin si despre echipa .
Echipa este una tanara, din punctul meu de vedere, o echipa in plina dezvoltare. O echipa care deja va avea prima legenda sezonul viitor, in numele unui portarel adus pe 500.000 si care in prezent valoreaza 4.5 M . An de an, sezon de sezon ne-am intalnit in divizie cu cate un monstrulet. Sezonul acesta a fost Monte Carlo, o echipa care ne-a invins de doua ori dar mai important a fost returul, unde eram cumva pe val si am primit gol in minutul 88 , un gol care ne-a "aruncat " de pe fotoliul de lider, pe locul 2, loc ce il ocupam si in prezent si pe care cel mai probabil vom ramane pana la final, fiind doar doua etape ramase de disputat.

2024-04-06 17:24 207 Lásd Riporter: Sam11

Bit of a fistling
Manager holds onto a fistful of econs despite unfolding disaster around him

Angels Claim Back To Back Double!
Angels on cloud nine

Ruined plans all over, what now?
Massive analysis in the close season

Can aging legs keep Tour de France's winning cycle going?

A win! Wow. Had forgotten the feeling.
Judgement day for attack and defence is delayed when manager has icing on his cup cake
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2024-03-06 23:58 New coach promises changes
2024-03-04 00:54 Angels
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2024-02-10 10:57 Cup Final!
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2024-01-19 00:20 The Flintstones announces new manager
2023-12-28 00:45 press
2023-12-09 13:36 Marquee signing??
2023-11-19 13:39 XCL LXX
2023-11-17 08:59 Top of the table and top of the USA!
2023-11-03 19:11 Dream League Cup Champions!
2023-10-28 00:59 Why?
2023-10-12 08:32 The fairy tale we deserved
2023-10-08 13:00 No room for failure
2023-10-03 00:47 See you in XCL
2023-09-21 14:00 27
2023-09-20 02:50 Last chance saloon
2023-09-16 13:46 Milestone achieved, Xpert League gone
2023-08-25 01:43 Top spot!
2023-08-24 00:03 Special day
2023-08-09 20:47 Dear HAMMER TIME Supporters
2023-08-04 09:18 AFC RETURN TO THE TOP TABLE!
2023-07-31 09:13 VSU back in the mix in supertight Div 1a
2023-06-28 20:05 Wowzers

XCL LXXI (71) Knockout stages to final
New faces, old faces, puzzled faces as 16 teams are left in the competition. Can a regular win it again or will a newcomer blow expectations sky high?

Sticky Hattrick season
Final day drama in the league after cup final heroics as one team's glory pours over the rest

Classic League decided on final day
A first class team hopper hopes to pick up another league title

Manager of the Week: Andrewm
A dazzling display in the Power League play-off final ensured the MotW crown found its way safely to the Scottish highlands last week

Matchstick Men set Xpert League alight
TonyBrazil completes his redemption story with a barnstorming first Xpert triumph

Manager of the Week: Nimby
Their Engine Room is fuelled by the Youth Academy and it produces a Manager of the Week award

Golden League is a gamers' paradise
It was never Game Over for Amiga

Its those dang Pandas again!
Yes, that's right, Jesus and his Pandas are back for yet another league and cup double as the Ultimate League season concludes.

XCL LXXI (71) Group Stage review
Hooligans, Angels, Giant and Pink Pandas, Angry and PANIC teams, all Glory Finding in the group stage hoping to make it through to the knock out stage

Game updates: an interview with Saarde
Face editing, new skill bar colours, AI teams in private leagues, and more. Saarde talks about the changes with explanations and insights.
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