Babswintodaymaybe 1 (1 - 0) 0 Knights of Cydonia FC
Skupen rezultat: 3-0 (Babswintodaymaybe napreduje v naslednji krog)
Četrtfinale v Xpert Champions League
Gammon Factory 2017-06-14 21:00
Sodnik: Seymour Red (S3, H8)
Dresi so v pralnici
GK W Suhardiman
D J Regan
D L Di Vaio
D D Amante
D J Klinsmann
MF J Woods
MF P Bonde
MF R Beck (C)
MF D Prats
F S Ramires
F T Idberg
R G Cristas
R C Marks

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4 Sebastião Ramires je dobil rumeni karton
18 Donato Amante je dobil rumeni karton
19 1 - 0 Strel v kazenskem strelu: Strelec je Dario Prats asistenca Sebastião Ramires
27 Jürgen Klinsmann iz Babswintodaymaybe se je poškodoval in je bil zamenjan Cecil Marks
38 Tony Idberg je dobil rumeni karton
42 Bapit Kanchanapoom je dobil rumeni karton
68 Dario Prats je dobil rumeni karton
77 Celso Mota je dobil rumeni karton
Posest: 42 - 58 (44-56)
Priložnosti:: 2 - 5 (1-0)

Doma - Igralec tekme - Gostje
Donato Amante Pim van der Kruis

Komentarji tekme
Uradni komentarji
Yeah sorry mate had a hectic day, cant believe i didnt set up i was crappin it waitin for my slow internet to open the match report, sighed a big relief. Yeah thanks n no pressure ha ha, the team deserves to be in the hall of fame but they don't deserve me as manager! I got away with it but at a cost with injury and now 2 players on yellows with the semis looming. Dreading Sunday, playin the team who crippled both of my strikers in 4 days last season! Best of luck to you too sir
Babswintodaymaybe 2017-06-14 

Only a team that good could win the game without their manager setting tactics. Disappointed but it was always going to be an uphill battle to win 3-0 without conceding. Best of luck for the rest of the competition, hope you go on and win it, that team deserves to be in the Hall Of Fame.
Knights of Cydonia FC 2017-06-14 

Ostali komentarji
TheAPERSON (Knights of Cydonia FC) 2017-06-14 
Hey, as far as I see it it doesn't matter how you win as long as you win. I won my cup final to get here on an epic penalty shootout that lasted about 10 or 11 rounds, needed extra time in the quarters and a penalty shootout in every round from Round 6 onwards (apart from the last 16) to get into the next round. That said, when you put it like that, yeah a potential squad massacre could be a real concern especially with no S9,H9 ref to try and curb and punish them from being aggressive in any way. Good luck with dodging the injury bullets for the semi and good luck with the Master League title race. Should be able to train this team now and help keep them in the Ultimate League top flight with only one serious competitive game each week for a bit now.

Throbbin (Babswintodaymaybe) 2017-06-14 
Iv got some hulk players on yellows si im glad theres no 9/9 ref! Fair play what a journey to get here shame it had to end. Cheers and good luck getting back in the XCL again soon n in your league survival bid, yeah 1 game a week is definately good, i had to boycot the cup this season as 3 games a week is just mental with no real back up on the bench and same money every week!

TheAPERSON (Knights of Cydonia FC) 2017-06-15 
Well, if we do get back in the XCL again I can't see us doing that well. Team average age is already 29 and I'm thinking of rebuilding in a couple of season's time, maybe even as soon as next season if we can't stay up this time. But thanks anyway.

Dresi so v pralnici
Knights of Cydonia FC
GK A Connolly
D I Qamara
D A Santamaria
D P van der Kruis (C)
D B Kanchanapoom
MF A Roma
MF A Zairi
MF R Tataw Eta
MF P Of Hesslink
MF R Hargreaves
F C Mota
R A Kero
R U Itachi
R V Unesson

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