Ballesterer 2 (0 - 0) 0 Serrinha Academy
Scorul general: 4-0 (Ballesterer accede in runda urmatoare)
Optime de finala in Xpert Champions League
Hohe Warte 2019-06-05 21:00
Arbitru: Hans Grüber (P5, S9)
The jersey is in the laundry
P L Monreal (C)
F J Cachaqes
F T Vea
F R Fäste
F B Blessed
M A Minotes
M B Eremia
M T Bãiceanu
M A Taibo
M N Lescott
A F Sandaune
R D Deco
R Q Winterburn
R J Camara
R E Wilkinson
R S Demiroglu

Ratingurile echipei

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8 Cê Bola a primit cartonas galben
11 Godinho Renaldo a primit cartonas galben
52 1 - 0 Sut de la mare distantã: Gol inscris de Filip Sandaune din pasa lui Benone Eremia
60 Tudor Bãiceanu de la Ballesterer a fost inlocuit cu Eamon Wilkinson
62 2 - 0 Loviturã liberã trimisã direct in poartã: Gol inscris de Aníbal Taibo
75 Norman Lescott de la Ballesterer a fost inlocuit cu Sercan Demiroglu
Posesie: 57 - 43 (67-33)
Sanse de gol: 7 - 1 (4-0)

Gazde - Omul Meciului - Oaspeti
Lehoi Monreal Marlon Alverfors

Comentarii despre joc
Alte comentarii
Mintox (Birmingham Bulldogs ARL) 2019-06-05 
Still strong

ST0N3 (Ballesterer) 2019-06-05 
Yes indeed! Not sure whether it's enough to go all the way, but hey, you can't win what you don't try ;)

TheAPERSON (Knights of Cydonia FC) 2019-06-07 
If STON3 wins the XCL with this team it kind of makes Chrille's achievements with winning the XCL with said team look less impressive, no offence STON3 :P

ST0N3 (Ballesterer) 2019-06-07 
I do take offence and hope that spurs me on even more :D

The jersey is in the laundry
Serrinha Academy
P M Alverfors
F A Ferril
F L Tokunaga
F A Batista
F R Chirimini
M D Pinto Curto
M M van der Schaaf
M C Bola
M G Renaldo
M G Parton (C)
A D Ranhozo
R M Etxarte
R T Bäcktröm
R B Figueiroa
R A Gonias
R Y Fukunaka

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