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Why was manager A selected as manager of the round when I got more stars than him?
The number of stars you get on the match report are based on how well you set the tactics and selected your lineup. The result of the match is irrelevant for how many stars you get. When it comes to the manager of the round a result value based on the result in the match is taken into account. If a manager is considered to have had a better result than you then he/she could be chosen as manager of the round even though you might have received more stars.
Is a 5-star grade a perfect performance by the manager?
No. If you received 5 stars for your performance then you have done a good job as a manager. But about 10% out of all performances (assuming the managers performances will be about as good as during the period October 2010 to March 2011) will result in a 5 star grade and there may be a big difference between different 5 star performances. The performance is also affected by your opponents performance. If your opponent has made a great performance then your performance will be valued higher and vice versa.

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