Mean Girls 4 (3 - 1) 1 The Effing Blinders
Runda 9 in Division 5:17
Sezon 71 in The Xpert Ladies
Mean Arena 2024-02-06 17:30
Arbitru: Travis Tee (P6, S4)
The jersey is in the laundry
Mean Girls
P A Bento
F D Lopes da Silva
F L Morrow
F S Lodge
M P Holmshaw
M M Maio
M E Bruhn
M H Fagerholm
M C Ramsbottom
A B Bullimore
A I Clegg (C)
R D Hulme
R G Hutchinson
R E Carden
R M Bartley
R M Assunção

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2 1 - 0 Sut de la mare distantã: Gol inscris de Elaine Bruhn din pasa lui Irene Clegg
9 1 - 1 Loviturã liberã trimisã direct in poartã: Gol inscris de Seina Conte
15 2 - 1 Loviturã de cap dupa o centrare: Gol inscris de Harriet Fagerholm din pasa lui Cathy Ramsbottom
24 3 - 1 Loviturã de cap dupa un corner: Gol inscris de Harriet Fagerholm din pasa lui Cathy Ramsbottom
47 Patsy Hore de la The Effing Blinders a fost inlocuit cu Iris Hafsteinsdottir
52 Irene Clegg a primit cartonas galben
60 Gol anulat: a lui Cira Aranda, The Effing Blinders
74 Magdalena Berizzo de la The Effing Blinders a fost inlocuit cu Bryndis Gudjondottir
78 4 - 1 Loviturã de cap dupa un corner: Gol inscris de Cathy Ramsbottom din pasa lui Suzi Lodge
Posesie: 57 - 43 (55-45)
Sanse de gol: 8 - 2 (5-1)

Gazde - Omul Meciului - Oaspeti
Cathy Ramsbottom Seina Conte

The jersey is in the laundry
The Effing Blinders
P H Gylfidottir
F K Sigfurdottir
F N Aymes
F F Maffei
M P McNaughton
M J Carmont
M I Lagergren
M M Berizzo
M C Aranda
A S Conte (C)
A P Hore
R S Blackburn
R M Parker
R T Allansson
R I Hafsteinsdottir
R B Gudjondottir

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