Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Alba Quinteiro 17 A
2024-03-25 Divinul 80 000
Denis Beqaj 21 D
2024-03-15 FC Roonex 8 021 100
Josu Mantilla 18 M
2024-02-14 Sektion 214 632 000
Eliodoro Viquerira 17 M
2024-02-14 AG FC 2 213 400
Francis Stewart 19 D
2024-01-05 Windmill Army 47 700
Chano Zuñiga 18 G
2023-12-29 Westfield United 314 700
Enric Baraja 20 G
2023-12-03 Viva España 47 700
Elton Clegg 34 A
2023-10-09 FC Örebro 2 067 700
Dobri Delchev 35 M
2023-09-26 Dynamo Bogvisir 2 681 000
Jing Tao Hau 24 D
2023-09-22 Ferro Carril 13 518 600
Ivan Abril 23 D
2023-08-28 The Renegades 10 752 500
Ralf Drakenberg 20 G
2023-08-28 Lusitânia FC 3 573 400
Norman Ekblom 29 A
2023-08-27 Mighty Shakers 8 808 400
Hubert Grönblad 21 M
2023-08-09 ACADÉMICA COIMBRA 1 637 400
Clemente Seabra 24 A
2023-08-09 NB Tesco 7 070 200
Bjørn-Tore Skog 20 A
2023-08-08 Carterz Raiderz 337 500
Norvald Raddum 20 A
2023-07-03 Sundsbusens IF 149 200
Olav-Andre Digre 19 A
2023-06-30 Hanktown Dynamites 546 200
Arne Sundelin 23 M
2023-05-08 Valldal Joggers 4 534 300
Rashid Essamlali 21 M
2023-05-02 Kurdistan Legends 3 538 600
Edwin van der Sar 30 G
2023-04-28 Torino 06 10 579 900
Omar Belzar 27 A
2023-04-24 Rmtc lampione 5 933 000
Alexander Danailov 28 G
2023-01-28 Calder Jambos 17 279 800
Cletus Swaine 29 M
2023-01-13 House of the Dragon 11 499 000
Paulino Nóvoa 23 M
2022-11-04 Maracanã FC 635 800
Leonardo Maranhoto 22 A
2022-10-03 Internacional B.A. 266 200
Manuel Penedo 22 M
2022-09-30 Bifrost Gemini 47 700
Rafael Tomás 22 M
2022-08-06 Punktown 1 154 800
Tino Bilardo 23 M
2022-08-06 Partizan Belgretna 1 266 700
Estêvão Cabrita 23 M
2022-08-06 Failures 2 024 900
Jonas Natalino 23 M
2022-07-26 Miragaia City FC 4 642 900
Dionisio Chacón 28 D
2022-06-17 Caledonian FC 3 200 900
Érico Fogaça 22 D
2022-05-13 Papoilas Saltitantes 5 963 400
Alcino Luxemburgo 24 D
2022-04-24 fasson 4 940 600
Silvino Quintela 24 M
2022-04-19 Blue Boca FC 525 800
Valentim Colaço 23 M
2022-04-19 South Red Eagles 14 549 700
He Cai 28 A
2022-03-11 Buddies 16 071 500
Alvito São José 24 M
2022-03-11 Owens Vipers 3 176 800
Florêncio Ribas 26 D
2021-08-05 Atlético Litoral 47 700
Caio Murtinheira 32 M
2021-08-03 Club Sport Lisboa 15 193 900
Tymoteusz Kubik 32 D
2021-08-03 FC SeaDogs 8 850 800
Tonel Formiga 27 M
2020-12-13 Rastafar IS 12 923 600
Adelino Chacim 28 M
2020-08-30 SFK Sturm Süd-Ost 84 15 693 700
Adelino Forte 29 M
2020-08-21 Morrumbene Fc 1 597 700
Erland Nissén 30 M
2020-08-15 Raaterannan Raisut 308 600
Costin Pãstorache 34 M
2020-04-07 PFC CSKA Moscow 3 714 900
Bonifácio Benevides 32 M
2019-12-31 FC Boramel 295 800
Orlando Amante 32 M
2019-10-06 Grogu FC 3 102 300
Juca Nabeiro 35 M
2019-04-20 The Football Club 878 600

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-03-25 Alba Quinteiro 17 A
67 200 Vendu
2024-03-15 Denis Beqaj 20 D
6 737 724 Vendu
2024-02-29 Joel Dibble 35 D
0 Quitter
2024-02-14 Josu Mantilla 18 M
530 880 Vendu
2024-02-14 Eliodoro Viquerira 17 M
1 859 256 Vendu
2024-02-08 Claudio Biscay 18 M
0 Licencié
2024-01-05 Francis Stewart 18 D
40 068 Vendu
2023-12-29 Chano Zuñiga 17 G
264 348 Vendu
2023-12-03 Enric Baraja 19 G
40 068 Vendu
2023-10-09 Elton Clegg 32 A
1 736 868 Vendu
2023-09-26 Dobri Delchev 33 M
2 252 040 Vendu
2023-09-22 Jing Tao Hau 22 D
11 355 624 Vendu
2023-08-29 Derick Keeler 33 D
2 961 840 Vendu
2023-08-28 Ivan Abril 21 D
9 032 100 Vendu
2023-08-28 Ralf Drakenberg 18 G
3 001 656 Vendu
2023-08-27 Norman Ekblom 27 A
7 399 056 Vendu
2023-08-13 Linus Wolter 38 M
0 Licencié
2023-08-13 Axel Beronius 35 M
0 Licencié
2023-08-09 Hubert Grönblad 19 M
1 375 416 Vendu
2023-08-09 Clemente Seabra 22 A
5 938 968 Vendu
2023-08-08 Bjørn-Tore Skog 18 A
283 500 Vendu
2023-08-03 Leo Hathaway 35 D
0 Quitter
2023-08-03 Björn Backe 37 M
0 Quitter
2023-07-03 Norvald Raddum 17 A
125 328 Vendu
2023-06-30 Olav-Andre Digre 17 A
458 808 Vendu
2023-05-08 Arne Sundelin 19 M
3 808 812 Vendu
2023-05-02 Rashid Essamlali 18 M
2 972 424 Vendu
2023-04-29 Martinus Bruggink 19 A
0 Licencié
2023-04-28 Puiu Nzaharia 19 A
0 Licencié
2023-04-28 Edwin van der Sar 27 G
8 887 116 Vendu
2023-04-24 Omar Belzar 24 A
4 983 720 Vendu
2023-04-20 Jan-Erik Modig 37 D
0 Quitter
2023-03-14 Pascal Kamstra 17 A
272 916 Vendu
2023-02-22 Puiu Zaharia 17 A
262 836 Vendu
2023-01-28 Alexander Danailov 24 G
14 515 032 Vendu
2023-01-24 Armindo Correia 17 M
0 Licencié
2023-01-13 Cletus Swaine 25 M
9 659 160 Vendu
2022-12-26 Eric Goodwin 19 A
0 Licencié
2022-12-26 Camilo Ferér 35 M
0 Licencié
2022-12-16 Aloísio Vasco Gama 18 M
0 Licencié
2022-12-16 Torleif af Silverhjelm 21 A
0 Licencié
2022-11-04 Paulino Nóvoa 18 M
534 072 Vendu
2022-10-03 Leonardo Maranhoto 17 A
223 608 Vendu
2022-09-30 Manuel Penedo 17 M
40 068 Vendu
2022-09-23 Jaime de Deus 18 D
0 Licencié
2022-09-22 Roger Ravenhill 40 D
0 Quitter
2022-08-06 Rafael Tomás 17 M
970 032 Vendu
2022-08-06 Estêvão Cabrita 18 M
1 700 916 Vendu
2022-08-06 Tino Bilardo 17 M
1 064 028 Vendu
2022-07-26 Jonas Natalino 17 M
3 900 036 Vendu
2022-07-01 Anastácio Malheiro 17 D
0 Licencié
2022-06-17 Dionisio Chacón 22 D
2 688 756 Vendu
2022-06-09 Valdemar Paulsson 38 M
0 Quitter
2022-05-13 Érico Fogaça 16 D
5 009 256 Vendu
2022-04-24 Alcino Luxemburgo 18 D
4 150 104 Vendu
2022-04-19 Silvino Quintela 17 M
441 672 Vendu
2022-04-19 Valentim Colaço 16 M
12 221 748 Vendu
2022-04-15 Sindre Rønning 19 M
2 753 520 Vendu
2022-03-11 He Cai 21 A
13 500 060 Vendu
2022-03-11 Alvito São José 17 M
2 668 512 Vendu
2022-02-24 Rúben Amado 19 M
0 Licencié
2022-02-24 Norris Ackleigh 38 A
0 Quitter
2022-02-24 Ognian Tsvetanov 39 D
0 Quitter
2022-01-25 Celestino Barradas 17 M
276 024 Vendu
2022-01-17 Cristóvão Amante 17 M
1 111 068 Vendu
2021-12-25 Duarte Pinto Bastos 18 M
0 Licencié
2021-11-11 Paulino Guerreiro 19 M
0 Licencié
2021-11-06 Laird McCabe 39 M
0 Licencié
2021-11-06 Yochi Nanami 37 A
0 Licencié
2021-10-03 Hermínio Bonfim 18 D
0 Licencié
2021-10-03 Heitor Montepio 18 D
0 Licencié
2021-08-07 Härm Joasoo 26 D
9 500 064 Vendu
2021-08-05 Florêncio Ribas 17 D
40 068 Vendu
2021-08-03 Alberto Graça 20 M
0 Licencié
2021-08-03 Caio Murtinheira 23 M
12 762 876 Vendu
2021-08-03 Tymoteusz Kubik 23 D
7 434 672 Vendu
2021-07-18 Colm Lohan 36 A
0 Licencié
2021-07-18 Máximo Pirralha 17 D
0 Licencié
2021-07-18 Veríssimo Preto 17 M
0 Licencié
2021-05-04 Andreja Rodic 34 M
1 978 200 Vendu
2021-04-30 Bruce Robins 34 D
3 251 808 Vendu
2021-04-27 Loukas Dermitzakis 35 G
2 997 204 Vendu
2021-04-24 Paulada Nacanelus 19 D
451 416 Vendu
2021-04-22 Samuel Paz 18 D
0 Licencié
2021-04-20 Frazer Duckworth 38 M
0 Licencié
2021-04-20 Jorma Uusimäki 39 D
0 Licencié
2021-04-20 Adérito Beleza 19 G
0 Licencié
2021-04-19 Batiscafo Katiuscas 31 M
8 511 384 Vendu
2021-04-19 Alrik Klarström 33 A
4 900 056 Vendu
2021-03-13 Gabriel Rochas 31 M
6 572 076 Vendu
2021-03-12 Amado Montenegro 17 D
289 380 Vendu
2021-03-02 Miguel Layún 32 M
6 117 972 Vendu
2021-02-26 Kyle Fleming 32 D
5 436 060 Vendu
2021-02-26 Ene Tuicã 33 A
8 009 736 Vendu
2021-02-26 Aureliano Torrecilla 33 D
4 472 664 Vendu
2021-02-25 Fausto Miguel Araújo 18 M
392 028 Vendu
2021-02-21 Mats Magnusson 36 A
0 Licencié
2021-02-21 Andrés Carrizzo 36 M
0 Licencié
2021-01-25 Alcides Leme 34 D
3 696 000 Vendu
2020-12-31 John-Erik Ousbeck 35 A
0 Licencié
2020-12-31 Jake MacAvish 37 M
0 Licencié
2020-12-31 Parjiyo Amurang 37 D
0 Licencié
2020-12-13 Tonel Formiga 16 M
10 855 824 Vendu
2020-09-17 Yuri Vasiukou 36 A
0 Licencié
2020-09-17 Pipo Del Monte 35 M
0 Licencié
2020-09-17 Alfredo Perna 35 D
0 Licencié
2020-08-30 Adelino Chacim 16 M
13 182 708 Vendu
2020-08-21 Adelino Forte 17 M
1 342 068 Vendu
2020-08-15 Erland Nissén 18 M
259 224 Vendu
2020-07-05 Arnold Smith 18 A
0 Licencié
2020-06-04 Darren Cant 18 A
0 Licencié
2020-06-04 Phillipe Meller 19 M
0 Licencié
2020-05-25 Gökdeniz Dalbudak 23 A
0 Licencié
2020-05-25 Joep Breinburg 17 D
0 Licencié
2020-04-07 Costin Pãstorache 20 M
3 120 516 Vendu
2019-12-31 Bonifácio Benevides 17 M
248 472 Vendu
2019-11-29 Luciano Capaça 17 M
0 Licencié
2019-11-29 Peter Hitchens 18 M
8 316 672 Vendu
2019-11-20 Nélson Soberano 20 M
0 Licencié
2019-10-06 Orlando Amante 16 M
2 605 932 Vendu
2019-10-06 Evaristo Gaspar 19 M
680 904 Vendu
2019-08-16 Tim Guerra 19 M
0 Licencié
2019-04-24 Ildeberto Videira 20 M
74 760 Vendu
2019-04-20 Juca Nabeiro 18 M
738 024 Vendu
2019-03-15 Cristóvão Ginja 19 M
208 068 Vendu
2018-12-27 Tino Teves 36 D
0 Quitter
2018-11-11 Gaspar Jesus Cruz 19 M
452 928 Vendu
2018-10-21 Quitério Mano 17 M
2 000 040 Vendu
2018-09-13 Gary Gjerling 36 M
0 Quitter
2018-05-03 Félix Redondo 17 M
4 512 060 Vendu
2018-04-23 Adolfo de Deus 36 M
0 Licencié
2018-04-17 Adriano Leite 18 M
47 124 Vendu
2018-04-05 Gualter Bogalho 18 M
2 428 020 Vendu
2018-03-08 Fernando Carvalhais 17 M
3 000 060 Vendu
2017-11-30 Rolando Janota 16 M
6 012 048 Vendu
2017-11-02 Arnie Phelps 36 A
0 Quitter
2017-09-28 Eurico Avilês 16 M
5 500 068 Vendu
2017-08-22 Ronaldo Capaça 17 M
700 056 Vendu
2017-07-20 Adan Ballard 36 D
0 Quitter
2017-07-20 Dj Broiler 37 M
0 Quitter
2017-02-23 Sabino Vieira de Jesus 17 M
2 336 040 Vendu
2016-12-27 Marinho Aveiro 17 M
2 596 020 Vendu
2016-12-22 Lorand Elisei 37 D
0 Quitter
2016-12-22 Tukul Rantung 35 A
0 Quitter
2016-12-22 Marko Frisck 37 M
0 Quitter
2016-12-01 Elton Kulle 18 M
16 260 048 Vendu
2016-11-15 Saul Valente 16 M
454 860 Vendu
2016-10-27 Quintino Tê 17 M
1 100 904 Vendu
2016-10-24 Sugoi Ziganda 17 M
1 186 668 Vendu
2016-09-28 Alvito Fiúza 17 M
700 056 Vendu
2016-09-24 Joel Arthurs 17 D
0 Licencié
2016-09-24 Aldo Tomé 21 A
0 Licencié
2016-09-14 Harald Woulden 20 G
3 040 044 Vendu
2016-09-08 Cristiano Capelo 39 D
0 Quitter
2016-09-08 Caupolicán Puche 38 M
0 Quitter
2016-07-29 Jorge Laurentino 18 M
419 076 Vendu
2016-06-19 Sverre Bakker 36 A
0 Licencié
2016-06-16 Adão Felipe 18 M
8 336 076 Vendu
2016-06-16 Alfie West 18 D
11 864 076 Vendu
2016-06-16 Balduin Steininger 17 M
2 592 072 Vendu
2016-06-02 Savo Culjat 18 D
6 848 016 Vendu
2016-05-31 Willy Chela 19 A
7 000 056 Vendu
2016-05-30 Alan Giffen 19 M
8 000 076 Vendu
2016-05-30 Kieran Bishop 18 M
8 000 076 Vendu
2016-05-30 Henrik Vanheden 18 D
7 004 004 Vendu
2016-05-26 Lucas Armengol 38 M
0 Quitter
2016-05-26 Martin Fermskog 38 D
0 Quitter
2016-05-11 Fabrício Torto 18 M
0 Licencié
2016-04-09 Aurélio Janota 16 M
1 500 072 Vendu
2016-04-03 Novak Dokovic 17 M
0 Licencié
2016-03-28 Florêncio Benedito 18 M
125 076 Vendu
2016-03-17 Adérito Félix 36 A
0 Licencié
2016-03-05 Asdrúbal Passinhas 19 A
0 Licencié
2016-02-24 Marcelino Braz 18 M
200 004 Vendu
2016-02-21 Asier Urrutxi 20 D
5 516 028 Vendu
2016-02-20 Alípio Madeira 18 M
7 360 080 Vendu
2016-02-16 Curtis Dawson 20 A
8 340 024 Vendu
2016-02-16 Sindre Engebretsen 20 A
0 Licencié
2016-02-16 Soemono Prihardiwanto 19 M
10 000 032 Vendu
2016-02-16 Napoleon Tinnerstedt 18 G
9 000 012 Vendu
2016-02-11 Franklin McSporran 36 D
0 Quitter
2015-11-23 Carlitos Lanzini 19 G
14 260 008 Vendu
2015-11-17 Emile Teather 18 D
6 000 036 Vendu
2015-11-16 Percival Heckinbottom 18 M
11 864 076 Vendu
2015-11-13 Les Beckham 19 A
6 500 004 Vendu
2015-11-13 Zak Vennegoor 18 M
12 100 032 Vendu
2015-11-12 Cris Saulters 18 D
7 184 016 Vendu
2015-11-12 Dermot Cutler 19 G
2 672 040 Vendu
2015-11-12 Joaquín Balbo 19 G
5 512 080 Vendu
2015-11-07 Vinko Devic 18 D
9 840 012 Vendu
2015-11-07 Ozzy Nordgren 18 M
6 168 036 Vendu
2015-11-07 Jonathan Köstler 19 M
12 708 024 Vendu
2015-11-03 Toplica Solunac 18 D
11 444 076 Vendu
2015-10-29 Timo Kienzle 36 D
0 Quitter
2015-10-01 Marco Sagres 17 M
3 344 040 Vendu
2015-07-29 Denilson Bertoldo 17 D
95 676 Vendu
2015-07-20 Ronny Robinsson 17 M
250 068 Vendu
2015-07-01 Thor Post 16 M
2 549 400 Vendu
2015-07-01 Joey Loftus 19 M
5 075 616 Vendu
2015-07-01 Francisco Lemes 17 M
40 068 Vendu
2015-05-24 Ramiro Irrureta 23 M
25 000 080 Vendu
2015-04-25 Oliver Priest 28 M
5 856 060 Vendu
2015-04-17 Nicolay Nøstvold 30 A
8 000 076 Vendu
2015-04-15 Henric Ahlström 31 M
6 336 036 Vendu
2015-04-15 Basilio Magró 18 D
6 000 036 Vendu
2015-04-11 Leonard Buckle 31 A
8 924 076 Vendu
2015-04-10 Vitali Nikishin 33 M
4 000 080 Vendu
2015-04-10 Revaan Chidambaram 30 M
13 680 072 Vendu
2015-04-10 Rui Juliardo 32 D
13 680 072 Vendu
2015-04-06 Edward Boorsma 34 G
0 Licencié
2015-04-06 Facundo Farfan 17 A
0 Licencié
2015-04-06 Viggo Bjarnason 23 D
18 000 024 Vendu
2015-04-06 Keith Borg 34 G
5 676 048 Vendu
2015-01-16 Dário Ferro 34 G
2 356 032 Vendu
2015-01-05 Vaggelis Keflakis 18 D
9 090 144 Vendu
2014-12-24 Georgy Tsvetkov 18 A
6 327 048 Vendu
2014-12-18 Freire Fátima 34 G
0 Quitter
2014-11-28 Liam Hinchley 35 M
2 256 072 Vendu
2014-09-12 Afonso Rama 18 D
17 940 048 Vendu
2014-09-08 Patrik Löfqvist 29 D
16 500 036 Vendu
2014-09-04 Lukas Justrell 36 M
0 Quitter
2014-05-31 Rudi Narciso Fernandes 18 A
10 184 076 Vendu
2014-05-29 Gavril Emilescu 18 M
4 176 060 Vendu
2014-05-22 Fidel Dorronsoro 34 G
0 Quitter
2014-02-10 Michael Stephens 17 D
9 764 076 Vendu
2013-11-19 Aldo Olarticoechea 28 D
11 032 056 Vendu
2013-11-11 Karl-Gunnar Tröger 19 M
19 840 044 Vendu
2013-10-28 Lars-Erik Idermark 18 D
8 983 128 Vendu
2013-10-28 Benny Schelin 19 A
24 620 064 Vendu
2013-10-27 Timóteo Alegre 23 G
0 Licencié
2013-04-06 Cícero Salomão 17 G
2 168 040 Vendu
2013-04-05 Eliseo Cassi 33 G
1 504 020 Vendu
2013-03-28 Artur Reitan 35 M
0 Quitter
2013-02-20 Martinho Jesus Cruz 19 G
40 068 Vendu
2012-12-16 Konstantin Gabrielsson 34 A
1 672 020 Vendu
2012-12-10 Christiano Arcari 18 M
10 000 032 Vendu
2012-12-10 Philippe Simonnet 17 M
4 500 048 Vendu
2012-12-10 Lázaro Corvelo 18 D
2 672 040 Vendu
2012-10-22 Aluísio Alferes 18 G
200 004 Vendu
2012-10-18 Adelino Tomar 18 G
0 Licencié
2012-09-01 Helmuth Moos 24 M
10 840 032 Vendu
2012-08-23 Narcis Bolbose 35 D
0 Quitter
2012-08-23 Konrad Blessenius 37 G
0 Quitter
2012-07-03 José Pedro Solas 17 D
98 448 Vendu
2012-06-11 Albertino Anjos 17 D
1 500 072 Vendu
2012-05-22 Jan-Erik Hägglund 18 D
11 000 052 Vendu
2012-04-22 Cesar Luz 36 A
0 Licencié
2012-03-19 Gastão Baticela 18 D
57 036 Vendu
2012-01-31 Sidney Jonasson 36 M
0 Licencié
2012-01-26 Matteus Sjöblom 35 D
0 Quitter
2012-01-26 Gabriel Table 36 M
0 Quitter
2011-12-03 Miguel Vítor 18 D
100 044 Vendu
2011-12-01 Roderick Miranda 17 D
233 100 Vendu
2011-11-06 Rogério Balba 21 M
13 000 008 Vendu
2011-10-21 Ciocan Burcut 18 M
14 000 028 Vendu
2011-09-12 Ezequiel Garay 18 D
400 008 Vendu
2011-07-05 Ratanankorn Upatham 36 D
0 Licencié
2011-07-04 Eduardo Salvio 18 A
2 808 036 Vendu
2011-06-30 Joe Frick 36 D
0 Quitter
2011-06-30 Miles Dixon 37 A
0 Quitter
2011-06-30 Paul van der Luer 36 M
0 Quitter
2011-06-17 Juliano Alicarte 18 M
0 Licencié
2011-05-24 Lorccán Staunton 18 A
14 360 052 Vendu
2011-05-23 Salvador Lucena 18 M
0 Licencié
2011-05-18 Nicolás Gaitán 17 M
668 052 Vendu
2011-03-29 Farkas Hajtó 19 A
6 336 036 Vendu
2011-03-29 Aurelio Casado 19 M
8 528 016 Vendu
2011-02-25 Chaim Streng 34 M
1 200 024 Vendu
2011-02-25 Lorenzo Rodríguez 20 G
16 000 068 Vendu
2011-02-17 Veríssimo Alegre 19 D
226 044 Vendu
2010-12-22 Geoff Burbanks 24 G
0 Licencié
2010-12-18 Eddie Andrew 27 A
17 000 004 Vendu
2010-12-18 Jens Springer 19 M
8 184 036 Vendu
2010-12-14 My Self 27 M
10 840 032 Vendu
2010-12-14 Herman Classen 25 M
10 840 032 Vendu
2010-12-10 Raducu Marinescu 25 D
8 336 076 Vendu
2010-12-10 Thommy Hessbo 26 D
20 840 064 Vendu
2010-12-06 Constantino Graço 20 A
6 103 524 Vendu
2010-12-06 Rúben Amorim 19 M
1 052 016 Vendu
2010-10-22 Mário Jardel 19 A
8 520 036 Vendu
2010-10-14 Cristiano Ronaldo Jr 18 M
0 Licencié
2010-09-16 Julio Carreter 22 A
9 500 064 Vendu
2010-09-13 Cristiano Ronaldo Jr 17 M
0 Licencié
2010-09-12 Nicklas Celsius 22 M
4 200 000 Vendu
2010-09-12 Rowan Dudgeon 31 M
7 336 056 Vendu
2010-09-11 Mick Peyton 25 D
12 600 000 Vendu
2010-09-04 Aaron Hofland 24 D
9 848 076 Vendu
2010-08-31 Sonny Taffarel 24 A
7 000 056 Vendu
2010-08-31 Laurence Murphy 30 G
12 000 072 Vendu
2010-08-30 Fedor Vasiljev 31 M
7 089 674 Vendu
2010-08-27 Svenne Walfridsson 24 M
17 280 752 Vendu
2010-08-27 Howie Horner 30 A
18 000 024 Vendu
2010-08-23 Dexter Brayson 21 D
1 638 000 Vendu
2010-08-23 Clark Theakston 19 D
236 040 Vendu
2010-08-19 Dermot Singleton 20 D
0 Licencié
2010-08-09 Benedict Kelly 19 D
0 Licencié
2010-05-06 Jarl Isaksson 35 D
0 Quitter
2010-02-22 Karl Lindberg 19 D
0 Licencié
2009-12-18 Göte Ander 36 M
5 123 832 Vendu
2009-11-08 Lars Albrektsson 31 D
0 Licencié
2009-07-25 Mauro Valdo 21 M
7 613 608 Vendu
2009-07-25 Jared Chapman 21 M
3 024 000 Vendu
2009-07-25 Eddie Nyqvist 21 M
5 208 000 Vendu
2009-06-25 Rodrigo Monte 20 D
0 Licencié
2009-04-29 Scotty Cartmell 20 G
2 184 000 Vendu
2009-04-08 Jack Bennet 20 A
9 828 000 Vendu
2009-03-19 Damian Simpson 27 D
13 565 160 Vendu
2009-03-19 Julien Norton 26 D
14 280 076 Vendu
2009-03-17 Hampus Backman 19 G
0 Licencié
2009-01-09 Cyrus Simons 18 M
8 907 276 Vendu
2009-01-06 Esteban Alemán 22 G
12 180 000 Vendu
2009-01-03 Alec Cleese 23 D
18 480 001 Vendu
2009-01-03 Bob Tarrant 24 M
12 516 000 Vendu
2008-12-04 Patrick Trainer 29 M
8 300 964 Vendu
2008-09-13 Louis Mustaine 18 M
999 601 Vendu
2008-08-23 Gareth Fell 30 D
6 636 000 Vendu
2008-08-18 Leigh McCartney 19 M
7 795 620 Vendu
2008-08-18 Joel Corbett 23 M
11 424 000 Vendu
2008-08-18 Dorian Simpkins 24 D
9 240 000 Vendu
2008-07-19 Taddeo Filippi 20 A
12 348 000 Vendu
2008-05-07 Des Frampton 20 A
8 060 220 Vendu
2008-04-05 Wade Jerome 17 D
1 092 000 Vendu
2008-04-01 Canto Erkkina 17 A
0 Licencié
2008-02-03 Theobald Aiston 23 M
22 207 668 Vendu
2008-01-23 Alfred Hubbard 17 A
0 Licencié
2008-01-21 Sherlock Molloy 19 A
0 Licencié
2008-01-21 Jan-Ove Ekström 17 M
25 288 368 Vendu
2008-01-17 Charlie Harper 20 D
0 Licencié
2007-12-05 Rodney Whittle 17 A
0 Licencié
2007-11-09 Andy Cole 19 A
0 Licencié
2007-10-08 Kieron Grape 28 G
13 020 000 Vendu
2007-10-08 Elton Terry 21 A
4 581 612 Vendu
2007-08-01 Franz Diegmüller 21 D
1 344 000 Vendu
2007-07-31 Sean Ripley 18 A
0 Licencié
2007-07-22 Eric Bain 21 M
745 836 Vendu
2007-07-19 Marty Vimes 24 A
8 820 000 Vendu
2007-06-29 Oliver Strodder 19 A
328 600 Vendu
2007-06-08 Lewis Rowling 19 A
259 700 Vendu
2007-04-04 Saleh Qadir 18 A
475 200 Vendu
2007-03-24 Stu Wilkinson 21 G
228 300 Vendu
2007-03-22 Ledley Brosnan 20 A
5 009 500 Vendu
2007-02-17 Patrick Murphy 27 D
670 300 Vendu
2006-12-10 Clint Christie 27 A
1 296 300 Vendu
2006-12-06 Curtis Chillingworth 27 M
762 700 Vendu
2006-12-06 Ken Barmby 30 G
131 100 Vendu
2006-11-24 Philip Post 23 D
625 300 Vendu
2006-11-12 Aaron Proctor 23 M
1 062 100 Vendu
2006-11-10 Luke Soley 26 M
560 100 Vendu
2006-10-29 Donald McCready 36 D
0 Licencié
2006-10-29 Phil King 33 A
0 Licencié
2006-09-14 Matt Wilcox 31 A
462 000 Vendu
2006-09-02 Jamie Fleetwood 25 M
317 400 Vendu
2006-08-17 Gavin Bagshaw 32 A
280 500 Vendu
2006-08-17 Paul Sparrow 21 D
70 700 Vendu
2006-07-11 Nick Liemer 27 M
69 900 Vendu
2006-06-26 Tyler McGee 23 A
87 800 Vendu
2006-06-24 Roger Stewart 31 D
162 400 Vendu
2006-06-24 Nickie Edison 31 D
300 200 Vendu
2006-06-22 Nigel Iceman 26 D
0 Licencié
2006-06-16 Brandon Lansbury 27 D
223 200 Vendu

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