

Offline Bejjita 





Doomonyouall - 2010-01-03 19:25
So plans for the new team?

Eve - 2010-01-03 17:48
That's a nice present for the New Year, isn't it? :)

Good Luck!......and a Happy 2010!

Al3xnhino - 2010-01-03 17:43
I like your presse " Managerial giant signs for Xtreme League "

Ogman - 2010-01-03 13:34
Where you go??? Now i will never get to beat you :(

HakanCaglak - 2010-01-03 10:02
haha go go beji, only 1 step left :)

Colinzink - 2010-01-03 04:21
Definitely possible, mate. You are the best tactician in that bunch IMO. On CC, actually if u look at it, it really isn't going to be that simple...Rankine and SpaceChicken are both gonna go after me hard I am sure, and Neo is a great tactician too. Not really much fluff in the division this time

Colinzink - 2010-01-03 04:06
CC is number 1, hope u can make it too! ;)

Winnywinny - 2010-01-02 22:21
Come on Bejj, nearly there ;)

Robbo_the_Red - 2010-01-02 22:07
Always welcome back to VIP Youth bud - I just won my first silwervare (Theo Walcott Boot) :o))

Al3xnhino - 2010-01-02 21:42
We are a united country and we quickly make new friends. I wish good luck further.

But what means of communication you use? MSN?

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-01-02 21:41
The cup can go fcuk itself, LOLZ. I put my team and tactics in a presser so will be interesting to see what my opponent does to counter.

Al3xnhino - 2010-01-02 21:08
What are you, have a good chance to be number 1. Are you an ambitious young man and I love to see you r number 1. I love British national, is my favorite national by Romania.

You have (yahoo messenger id or skype)???

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-01-02 21:06
Not tempted to sell Rebelo and shop around for a decent value established midfielder? You look at least one player short in the middle if you want to be flexible enough to promote this season.

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-01-02 21:03 stay for the duration. You can never tell with these things, Stolpe looked $hit weak last season as a 22/8 but as a 23/10 hard trainer I'm trying to flog him for 26m-28m if I can get a bite.

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-01-02 21:01
I spunked a stupid amount of my econ on keeping form at 16 all last season so only gotten 12m left. At some point I want to trim my squad from 20 to 16 players so I'll be able to cash in say 60m of 5 players then buying 2 very nice replacements. Rossitto will double no worries and MAY be good enough

1601-1587 1586-1572 1571-1557 1556-1542 1541-1527 1526-1512 1511-1497 1496-1482 1481-1467 1466-1452 1451-1437 1436-1422 1421-1407 1406-1392 1391-1377 1376-1362 1361-1347 1346-1332 1331-1317 1316-1302 1301-1287 1286-1272 1271-1257 1256-1242 1241-1227 1226-1212 1211-1197 1196-1182 1181-1167 1166-1152 1151-1137 1136-1122 1121-1107 1106-1092 1091-1077 1076-1062 1061-1047 1046-1032 1031-1017 1016-1002 1001-987 986-972 971-957 956-942 941-927 926-912 911-897 896-882 881-867 866-852 851-837 836-822 821-807 806-792 791-777 776-762 761-747 746-732 731-717 716-702 701-687 686-672 671-657 656-642 641-627 626-612 611-597 596-582 581-567 566-552 551-537 536-522 521-507 506-492 491-477 476-462 461-447 446-432 431-417 416-402 401-387 386-372 371-357 356-342 341-327 326-312 311-297 296-282 281-267 266-252 251-237 236-222 221-207 206-192 191-177 176-162 161-147 146-132 131-117 116-102 101-87 86-72 71-57 56-42 41-27 26-12 11-1

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