League info - Second Chance League

Home page: Missing
LeagueID: 462447
League admin: Joaric
League rating:
Ranking: Ranked as number 574
Average age: 37 years
Number of teams: 8
Active teams: 7
VIP-teams: 3
Created: 2023-10-26
Season starts: 2024-04-04
Season ends: 2024-05-21
League type: Private league (Mens)
League system: 1:1
Divisions: 1
Dirty tricks: Not activated
Direct transfers: Activated
Player name changes: Activated
Match days: Thursdays and Sundays
Match time: 20:00
Demography: England: 57%
Canada: 14%
Scotland: 14%
United States: 14%
Demands: There are none!

Wailmers 2
Last Chance Utd 1

League description:
Rules for the Second Chance League (SCL)

The SCL is a unique football league that challenges managers to hone subpar players into professionals. Here's a simplified run-through of the rules:

1. **Player Criteria**: Your team must consist of players aged 17-22, who currently fall short of the traditional 17/4 skill path for their age.

2. **Team Goal**: Develop these players to meet the 17/4 skill path. The team that advances the most players each season wins. Transfer fees received per season will also see a winner, plus an ongoing total received.

3. **Transfers**: When a player reaches the standard skill path, they must be sold. No exceptions.

4. **Age Limit**: Players must be sold when they turn 23, keeping the team's talent continuously refreshed.

5. **Player-Coach**: One Player-Coach is allowed per team. They must be at least 32 with a maximum skill level of 12, representing an older player transitioning to coaching.

6. **Skill Path**: The 17/4 skillpath I mean is this; 16/3, 17/4, 18/5, 19/6, 20/7, 21/8, 22/9, and sold/sacked at 23. Players must be below this path when signed and sold when they reach it.

7. **Youth Academy**: You can sign talents from the academy only if they meet the standard rules. Minimal academy investment is recommended.

8. **First Season**: Players not adhering to the rules must be sold or dismissed.

The SCL tests your ability to find and nurture overlooked talent. Are you up for the challenge?

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