League info - Liga Pilkarska Palatynatu Leocji

Home page: https://forum.leocja.org/vie...
LeagueID: 460965
League admin: Orjon
League assistants:
League rating:
Ranking: Ranked as number 786
Average age: 32 years
Number of teams: 16
Active teams: 16
VIP-teams: 4
Created: 2020-06-05
Season starts: 2024-01-28
Season ends: 2024-04-30
League type: Private league (Mens)
League system: 1:1
Divisions: 2
Dirty tricks: Not activated
Direct transfers: Not activated
Player name changes: Activated
Match days: Thursdays and Sundays
Match time: 19:00
Demography: Poland: 94%
England: 6%
Demands: There are none!

FC Terina Zielonka 10
Czarne Wilki 9
LTF Nowy Brzeg 8
LTF Nowy Brzeg 7
Diana Angemont 6
FC Terina Zielonka 5
Diana Angemont 4
Diana Angemont 3
Czarne Wilki 2
Diana Angemont 1

League description:
Liga Pilkarska Palatynatu Leocji. Zwyciezca tej ligi uzyskuje tytul mistrza Leocji. W trakcie sezonu rozgrywamy równiez Puchar.
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