Plejers Migjubin

Plejers li ghadhom attivi mibjughin lil klabbs ohra
Catarino Vieirinha 18 D
2024-05-12 Midlothian Athletic 5 404 800
Ivanildo Lopes da Silva 17 D
2024-04-17 kifines 4 423 900
Quitério Ferrão 18 D
2024-02-22 A. C. Charquinho 1 836 800
Fábio Brás 17 D
2023-12-16 Ungdomsmottagningen 22 619 100
Alvito Luz 21 D
2023-09-20 Blia FC 113 600
Adalberto Brazão 20 D
2023-07-24 Sundets Pärla 365 000
Michael Diacono 29 GK
2023-03-17 System of a down 12 583 400
Eustáquio Amoreirinha 21 MF
2023-02-26 KBM De Has Hoffs II 5 476 200
Cristóvão Chaves 24 F
2023-02-10 SL Vaiamonte 2 369 000
Valentim Formigal 23 F
2022-12-02 Ramshackle Glory 735 000
Dave Blair 28 D
2022-11-13 C.F. Real 11 904 800
Saul Guterres 22 F
2022-10-19 Night Life 9 285 800
Rudolf von Brohm 31 F
2022-08-19 White Champs 8 978 500
Octávio Brasil 24 F
2022-07-24 Neutralino WIMPs 159 800
Lachlan MacInnes 31 D
2022-05-19 Morçoas United 7 195 300
Giorgos Markos 32 MF
2022-05-06 Roy Evel 11 006 000
Freire Nazaré 26 D
2022-04-10 Plz 102 500
Alvim Piedade 26 F
2022-04-08 Dalmatians 47 700
Olívio Pintassilgo 24 D
2022-02-23 Neverwinter Nights 121 400
Quim Raúl 31 D
2022-01-22 Kaiserlicher SV 9 533 400
Teruyoshi Nakagawa 27 F
2021-10-08 Unseen Academicals 80 800
Gav Buchanan 31 D
2021-07-01 Evolution FC 6 428 600
Henry Raab 31 GK
2021-07-01 The Waders 9 523 900
Anacleto Camacho 27 MF
2021-06-06 Ingolainens FF 9 209 600
Donato Torcato 31 F
2021-05-31 Spice Boys 23 809 600
Jack Cromarty 31 MF
2021-05-31 Hennessy FC 8 301 800
Gumersindo Ortins 29 MF
2021-05-08 Niterói 199 900
Alfredo Quintino 29 D
2021-04-19 Kick FC 59 800
Pantelis Katsoudas 30 MF
2021-02-21 Farkasok 2 619 100
Lloyd Taylforth 31 D
2021-02-14 Superlellos 9 404 800
Oran Byrne 32 F
2021-02-02 Ciudad Real CF 5 952 400
Teotónio Dorneles 31 MF
2020-11-27 CV Heroes FC 6 119 100
Clemente Reis 32 MF
2020-11-27 Pontusiense 5 833 400
Mitch McNiven 35 GK
2020-10-20 The Rollers 8 991 800
Joaquim Raposa 29 MF
2020-09-19 Highland Gods 616 200
Alfredo Laiseka 32 MF
2020-08-14 IFK Juve 5 881 000
Keefe McEvoy 31 D
2020-07-26 são pulo 2 408 400
Lineu Peixe 34 D
2020-06-28 Zanoni FC 5 078 300
Ademir Viriato Gomes 34 MF
2020-06-23 Ratos Esquilos 5 212 100
Edgar Leitão 35 MF
2020-06-23 Bristol Bulldogs 4 099 700
Klaes Strömner 35 MF
2020-06-19 Crystal FC 9 733 400
Pascal Beghetto 35 F
2020-05-15 Jämtbo United 12 802 100
Andrew Wicks 36 GK
2020-05-11 The Lightning Strikers 6 187 700
Leslie Darrow 35 D
2020-05-08 Anneberg BK 11 545 600
Fernão Alberto 30 MF
2020-04-09 FC Bear 83 2 899 700

Plejers li hallew lill-klabb
2024-05-12 Catarino Vieirinha 18 D
4 540 032 Mibjugh
2024-04-17 Ivanildo Lopes da Silva 17 D
3 716 076 Mibjugh
2024-02-22 Quitério Ferrão 17 D
1 542 912 Mibjugh
2023-12-16 Fábio Brás 16 D
19 000 044 Mibjugh
2023-09-20 Alvito Luz 19 D
95 424 Mibjugh
2023-07-24 Adalberto Brazão 17 D
306 600 Mibjugh
2023-07-20 Emiliano Tordo 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2023-06-26 Moreno Lucci 37 MF
0 Spicca
2023-06-26 Maureo Pereira 37 D
0 Spicca
2023-03-17 Michael Diacono 25 GK
10 570 056 Mibjugh
2023-03-12 Jean-Pierre Nlend Wome 18 F
0 Imkecci
2023-02-26 Eustáquio Amoreirinha 17 MF
4 600 008 Mibjugh
2023-02-10 Cristóvão Chaves 20 F
1 989 960 Mibjugh
2022-12-02 Valentim Formigal 18 F
617 400 Mibjugh
2022-11-28 Ricky Guttridge 35 MF
0 Spicca
2022-11-28 Julien McInnes 37 D
0 Spicca
2022-11-13 Dave Blair 23 D
10 000 032 Mibjugh
2022-10-19 Saul Guterres 17 F
7 800 072 Mibjugh
2022-08-19 Rudolf von Brohm 25 F
7 541 940 Mibjugh
2022-07-24 Octávio Brasil 18 F
134 232 Mibjugh
2022-05-19 Lachlan MacInnes 24 D
6 044 052 Mibjugh
2022-05-07 Anazelm Gucwa 33 D
425 124 Mibjugh
2022-05-06 Giorgos Markos 25 MF
9 245 040 Mibjugh
2022-05-02 Omar Goycochea 36 MF
0 Spicca
2022-04-23 Óscar Leopoldina 23 F
0 Imkecci
2022-04-10 Freire Nazaré 19 D
86 100 Mibjugh
2022-04-08 Alvim Piedade 19 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2022-02-23 Olívio Pintassilgo 17 D
101 976 Mibjugh
2022-01-26 Almiro Escobar 19 D
0 Imkecci
2022-01-22 Quim Raúl 23 D
8 008 056 Mibjugh
2022-01-05 Feliciano Garrafa 16 D
0 Imkecci
2021-10-15 Eurico Giraldes 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2021-10-08 Teruyoshi Nakagawa 18 F
67 872 Mibjugh
2021-07-01 Gav Buchanan 21 D
5 400 024 Mibjugh
2021-07-01 Henry Raab 21 GK
8 000 076 Mibjugh
2021-06-06 Anacleto Camacho 17 MF
7 736 064 Mibjugh
2021-05-31 Donato Torcato 21 F
20 000 064 Mibjugh
2021-05-31 Jack Cromarty 21 MF
6 973 512 Mibjugh
2021-05-30 Pietro Zambrotta 36 MF
0 Imkecci
2021-05-21 Max Kosenkow 36 D
0 Imkecci
2021-05-08 Gumersindo Ortins 18 MF
167 916 Mibjugh
2021-04-19 Alfredo Quintino 18 D
50 232 Mibjugh
2021-02-21 Pantelis Katsoudas 19 MF
2 200 044 Mibjugh
2021-02-14 Lloyd Taylforth 20 D
7 900 032 Mibjugh
2021-02-02 Oran Byrne 21 F
5 000 016 Mibjugh
2020-11-27 Teotónio Dorneles 19 MF
5 140 044 Mibjugh
2020-11-27 Clemente Reis 21 MF
4 900 056 Mibjugh
2020-10-20 Mitch McNiven 23 GK
7 553 112 Mibjugh
2020-09-19 Joaquim Raposa 17 MF
517 608 Mibjugh
2020-09-19 Márcio Abrunhosa 17 MF
97 608 Mibjugh
2020-08-14 Alfredo Laiseka 19 MF
4 940 040 Mibjugh
2020-07-26 Keefe McEvoy 17 D
2 023 056 Mibjugh
2020-07-20 Rafael Porta 17 MF
689 472 Mibjugh
2020-06-28 Lineu Peixe 21 D
4 265 772 Mibjugh
2020-06-23 Ademir Viriato Gomes 20 MF
4 378 164 Mibjugh
2020-06-23 Edgar Leitão 22 MF
3 443 748 Mibjugh
2020-06-19 Zé Passa Por-Cima 23 D
6 069 252 Mibjugh
2020-06-19 Klaes Strömner 22 MF
8 176 056 Mibjugh
2020-06-19 Gary Comerford 22 MF
8 512 056 Mibjugh
2020-06-19 Niels-Peter Busk 22 D
8 206 044 Mibjugh
2020-05-20 Zydrunas Melichárek 23 F
8 808 660 Mibjugh
2020-05-15 Pascal Beghetto 22 F
10 753 764 Mibjugh
2020-05-15 Vukasin Stankovic 22 D
5 476 464 Mibjugh
2020-05-12 Leonardo Barreto 22 MF
7 404 348 Mibjugh
2020-05-11 Andrew Wicks 22 GK
5 197 668 Mibjugh
2020-05-09 Valentin Yarusov 19 F
0 Imkecci
2020-05-08 Leslie Darrow 22 D
9 698 304 Mibjugh
2020-05-07 Sergio Chan Carl 23 MF
9 906 540 Mibjugh
2020-05-05 Armando Alfama 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2020-05-05 Duncan Bennington 19 D
0 Imkecci
2020-05-04 Lincoln Masterton 21 D
0 Imkecci
2020-05-04 Nélson Castelar 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2020-05-02 Afonso Monte 22 MF
6 985 020 Mibjugh
2020-05-02 Tordur Sigurvinsson 23 D
9 290 736 Mibjugh
2020-05-02 Andrew Whetherby 23 MF
7 528 500 Mibjugh
2020-04-27 Edgardo Mozzo 36 MF
0 Imkecci
2020-04-09 Fernão Alberto 16 MF
2 435 748 Mibjugh
2020-01-14 Teodoro Fraião 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2019-05-18 Rolando Vieira 18 F
0 Imkecci
2019-04-11 Aires Rêgo 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-12-09 Tonel Filipe 19 MF
2 348 472 Mibjugh
2018-12-08 Alvito Valadres 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-12-05 Gregório Amor 32 D
0 Imkecci
2018-12-04 Nicolas Abiven 29 MF
7 080 024 Mibjugh
2018-12-04 Ghita Barbã 28 D
6 912 024 Mibjugh
2018-12-03 Evert Mild 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-12-03 Márcio Estrada 18 F
0 Imkecci
2018-12-02 Anselmo Lasa 31 MF
7 200 060 Mibjugh
2018-12-01 Felício Serra 31 D
5 100 060 Mibjugh
2018-12-01 Ivan Vsevolodov 32 GK
5 000 016 Mibjugh
2018-12-01 Michel Biakollo 17 D
0 Imkecci
2018-12-01 Alvim Campelo 19 D
0 Imkecci
2018-11-29 Guðjón Jensson 21 D
0 Imkecci
2018-11-28 Tiago Bonfim 32 MF
9 252 180 Mibjugh
2018-11-28 Antero Narciso 32 MF
2 474 220 Mibjugh
2018-11-27 Joachim Alderborg 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-11-27 Sonny Rundkvist 23 D
0 Imkecci
2018-11-27 Constantino Setúbal 20 F
0 Imkecci
2018-11-27 Jan Galuszka 20 GK
0 Imkecci
2018-11-25 Timmy Ståhl 24 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-11-24 Aníbal Orvalho 32 D
3 773 868 Mibjugh
2018-11-23 Norbert Fink 33 D
4 821 852 Mibjugh
2018-11-23 Fridtjof Martensen 33 MF
2 271 528 Mibjugh
2018-11-23 Marcelo Rocha 30 F
8 531 040 Mibjugh
2018-11-23 Fritjof Sundkvist 32 MF
3 378 648 Mibjugh
2018-09-18 Filipe Negreiros 19 F
0 Imkecci
2018-08-18 Eládio Cravo 19 F
657 720 Mibjugh
2018-07-20 Emiliano do Carmo 17 F
3 059 700 Mibjugh
2018-07-17 Gilberto Estremoz 17 D
66 612 Mibjugh
2018-07-03 Evandro Pinto da Costa 32 F
2 898 000 Mibjugh
2018-04-28 César Alves 19 D
0 Imkecci
2018-04-08 Calisto Rocheta 18 F
5 044 032 Mibjugh
2018-03-09 Asdrúbal Branco 37 MF
900 060 Mibjugh
2017-11-28 Reinaldo Ximenes 17 F
0 Imkecci
2017-10-10 Beto Castelo 21 MF
6 388 032 Mibjugh
2017-10-10 Moisés Direito 21 MF
8 824 032 Mibjugh
2017-09-23 Guilherme dos Reis 17 D
0 Imkecci
2017-07-21 Luciliano Mello 18 D
243 516 Mibjugh
2017-06-16 Moisés Galvão 19 D
3 392 928 Mibjugh
2017-06-12 Carl-Bertil Löfkvist 36 D
0 Spicca
2017-02-08 Adérito Gama 17 D
73 080 Mibjugh
2017-01-24 Eládio Seabra 18 D
522 480 Mibjugh
2016-12-23 Herculano Themudo 17 D
86 604 Mibjugh
2016-11-22 Gilberto Lusitano 18 MF
12 928 944 Mibjugh
2016-11-14 Nicolau Rodrigues 35 D
0 Spicca
2016-10-21 Stig-Petter Hjelmeseth 37 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-08-29 Jorge Chave 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-08-05 Alexandrino Marcelino 18 D
0 Imkecci
2016-08-05 Tonel Ravara 20 MF
3 394 776 Mibjugh
2016-07-17 Jorge Uva 18 MF
60 312 Mibjugh
2016-07-13 Leonardo Moura 23 F
12 311 964 Mibjugh
2016-07-11 Dhimiter Zhulati 19 D
7 347 060 Mibjugh
2016-04-30 Gualter São José 22 GK
8 504 076 Mibjugh
2016-04-29 Reginaldo Leite 20 MF
127 428 Mibjugh
2016-04-26 Veríssimo Estevão 16 D
256 368 Mibjugh
2016-04-26 Osvaldo Lula 19 D
127 344 Mibjugh
2016-01-14 Aldaír Damas 18 D
422 772 Mibjugh
2015-12-01 Delfino Lumiares 18 D
64 764 Mibjugh
2015-10-16 Gregório Horta 17 D
2 399 124 Mibjugh
2015-09-25 Steve Andersén 34 D
0 Imkecci
2015-09-20 Silvino Lemos 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-09-08 Alcides Camilo 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-08-15 Victor Palhota 18 MF
3 277 008 Mibjugh
2015-08-15 Nélson Penas 16 MF
12 612 348 Mibjugh
2015-07-28 Vinícius Luso 17 MF
4 426 632 Mibjugh
2015-07-12 Archibaldo Aznar 35 GK
0 Imkecci
2015-06-20 Gustavo Evaristo 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-06-03 Armindo Saúde 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-05-22 Ezequiel Leão 19 MF
2 035 740 Mibjugh
2015-05-10 Ronald Van Burka 18 F
8 932 056 Mibjugh
2015-05-04 Marinho Rachão 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2015-04-21 Bento Uchoa 32 MF
3 527 664 Mibjugh
2015-03-16 Cesário Guerreiro 20 GK
0 Imkecci
2015-03-06 Ronny Witt 34 GK
3 045 672 Mibjugh
2015-03-03 Jaime Britton 31 F
8 344 056 Mibjugh
2015-03-02 Micky Hazard 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-02-28 Paulo Ourique 22 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-02-27 Hugo Viana 23 MF
7 458 360 Mibjugh
2015-02-27 Sílvio Olivares 24 MF
13 947 444 Mibjugh
2015-02-27 Gavrilo Drobnjak 25 F
13 448 064 Mibjugh
2015-02-27 Janne Ekwald 24 D
11 893 560 Mibjugh
2015-02-26 Konrad Bromberg 20 F
0 Imkecci
2015-02-02 Östen Adelöf 26 MF
8 136 072 Mibjugh
2015-01-22 Gareth Vigar 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-11-07 Art Hibbard 35 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-10-27 Ruca Tábuas 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-08-11 Honório Lagoa 19 MF
1 124 004 Mibjugh
2014-08-10 Andor Zádor 19 MF
4 500 048 Mibjugh
2014-07-19 Kim Roest 36 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-07-19 Tino Linhares 17 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-07-06 Filipe Pratas 17 D
403 368 Mibjugh
2014-07-01 Martinho Lucena 17 MF
684 432 Mibjugh
2014-06-28 Attilio Magrin 33 D
1 454 040 Mibjugh
2014-05-28 Calvin Day 18 D
6 000 036 Mibjugh
2014-04-14 Lorezzo Hassan 35 D
0 Spicca
2014-04-14 Willy Chapple 36 F
0 Spicca
2014-03-29 Marcolino Casqueira 17 D
0 Imkecci
2014-03-29 Cícero Champalimaud 17 MF
5 000 016 Mibjugh
2014-03-26 Filimon Vizitiu 33 MF
2 920 512 Mibjugh
2014-02-17 Drew Scully 16 F
3 047 016 Mibjugh
2014-02-10 Ubaldo Razão 16 F
148 428 Mibjugh
2014-02-01 Albertino Manta 19 D
6 748 728 Mibjugh
2014-01-08 Neil Hedger 35 GK
1 627 752 Mibjugh
2014-01-04 Tim Ronaldo 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-01-03 Xabat Mancebo 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-01-03 Jean Bourdin 19 MF
8 940 036 Mibjugh
2013-12-31 Xavier Heredia 21 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-12-30 Dominic Jenning 36 MF
0 Spicca
2013-12-28 João Pedro Setúbal 16 F
0 Imkecci
2013-12-05 Dany Dela Deva 31 MF
4 890 564 Mibjugh
2013-12-03 Ezequiel Sagitário 18 GK
1 373 064 Mibjugh
2013-10-15 Alasdair MacNab 34 D
2 020 032 Mibjugh
2013-09-20 Samuel Kothe 21 MF
6 000 036 Mibjugh
2013-09-20 Godofredo Olivares 19 D
3 043 656 Mibjugh
2013-09-20 Sidney Jingblad 19 MF
6 000 036 Mibjugh
2013-08-31 Luis Vera 32 MF
4 268 040 Mibjugh
2013-08-27 Shlomo Pidzhi 36 GK
59 136 Mibjugh
2013-07-24 Rui Sales 19 F
5 000 016 Mibjugh
2013-07-22 Zélio Romão 17 D
1 210 020 Mibjugh
2013-06-16 Dario Wilkinson 36 GK
0 Imkecci
2013-06-11 Robert Bruce 19 F
1 368 024 Mibjugh
2013-06-08 Zelazar Oliveira 22 MF
19 000 044 Mibjugh
2013-06-07 Eduardo Varela 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-06-04 Godinho Junho 19 D
0 Imkecci
2013-06-03 Marcu Pârsu 36 F
0 Spicca
2013-06-03 Freund Heigl 35 D
0 Spicca
2013-05-15 Plácido Minho 16 F
1 216 068 Mibjugh
2013-05-01 Leopoldo Cabral 28 MF
9 150 036 Mibjugh
2013-03-30 Szimon Kun 19 MF
14 472 360 Mibjugh
2013-03-29 Paul Mohamadou 37 GK
0 Imkecci
2013-02-18 Lennox Pennant 35 GK
0 Imkecci
2013-02-18 Finn von Scheéle 34 GK
0 Imkecci
2013-02-15 Dinis Cotrim 18 MF
152 124 Mibjugh
2013-02-14 Baleren Astorquia 18 D
0 Imkecci
2013-01-27 Deng Wa 25 F
11 274 144 Mibjugh
2013-01-26 Luis Siempre 18 MF
10 198 104 Mibjugh
2013-01-08 Ashley Symonds 35 MF
1 000 020 Mibjugh
2012-12-30 Lance Swire 30 D
2 700 012 Mibjugh
2012-12-25 Severino Semana 18 D
0 Imkecci
2012-12-21 David Davidson 27 D
5 000 016 Mibjugh
2012-12-08 Edmundo Filipe 17 F
0 Imkecci
2012-11-21 Jordão Barreto 18 D
1 116 948 Mibjugh
2012-11-02 Abraham Stenlund 32 F
1 705 452 Mibjugh
2012-10-14 Santiago Rui Costa 20 GK
6 581 232 Mibjugh
2012-10-14 Zoli Beke 22 D
5 918 052 Mibjugh
2012-09-23 Ned McAllister 34 MF
808 332 Mibjugh
2012-09-08 Peli Uribe 18 F
0 Imkecci
2012-09-03 Gilberto Zubeldia 25 MF
12 757 080 Mibjugh
2012-07-20 Bráulio Pimenta 19 F
0 Imkecci
2012-07-20 Mario Kaká 33 MF
1 514 352 Mibjugh
2012-06-22 Isaac Knowles 19 D
1 480 668 Mibjugh
2012-06-19 Moisés Vingada 17 MF
401 520 Mibjugh
2012-06-18 Fernando Rede 18 MF
140 952 Mibjugh
2012-06-11 Antunes Fruta 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-06-03 Mustoffa Faris 25 MF
11 372 424 Mibjugh
2012-04-03 Mladen Banic 37 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-04-03 Alfie Dickov 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-04-03 Adalberto Ribau 19 F
0 Imkecci
2012-02-29 Avelino Xavier 18 MF
1 526 616 Mibjugh
2012-02-29 Edelberto Arouca 27 D
3 217 704 Mibjugh
2012-02-17 Yod Suprija 31 MF
2 747 640 Mibjugh
2012-02-17 Lewis Smythe 30 MF
4 727 352 Mibjugh
2012-01-27 Emanuel Russo 18 D
786 912 Mibjugh
2012-01-25 Theo Bodén 36 GK
0 Imkecci
2012-01-01 Fábio Baia 20 GK
1 672 020 Mibjugh
2011-12-27 Godfrey Hunter 18 D
82 152 Mibjugh
2011-12-26 Wawrzyniec Gorzanski 35 GK
0 Imkecci
2011-12-23 Alfredo Casqueira 19 D
94 164 Mibjugh
2011-12-20 Luciano Arruda 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2011-09-20 Damian Spedding 21 F
11 153 604 Mibjugh
2011-09-20 Ovídio Fonte 28 D
4 044 264 Mibjugh
2011-09-20 Wendell Beesley 23 MF
4 273 668 Mibjugh
2011-09-16 Edmund Ellison 23 GK
5 122 572 Mibjugh
2011-09-16 Jasper Wielink 26 MF
3 533 376 Mibjugh
2011-09-16 Nit Tangwongsan 31 MF
1 927 128 Mibjugh
2011-09-15 Alexander Abrey 21 D
0 Imkecci
2011-08-15 Fabricio Correa 31 F
3 000 060 Mibjugh
2011-08-09 Adrien Blake 17 D
0 Imkecci
2011-07-25 Ronaldo Loureiro 24 F
8 000 076 Mibjugh
2011-03-27 Niilo Kuivikko 28 D
2 200 044 Mibjugh
2011-03-23 Paul Lobley 18 D
184 044 Mibjugh
2011-03-12 Geoffrey Burbanks 26 F
7 200 060 Mibjugh
2010-12-09 Geoff Dylan 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2010-11-15 Torsten Wahlman 30 F
0 Imkecci
2010-09-04 Kit McGuire 17 F
0 Imkecci
2010-08-11 Alessandro Pinto 31 MF
0 Imkecci
2010-07-27 Magnus Hillborg 26 MF
12 300 036 Mibjugh
2010-05-12 Carlos Cardosa 30 GK
5 703 180 Mibjugh
2010-05-08 Anselmo Imanol 22 D
147 000 Mibjugh
2010-05-05 Samuel Gray 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2010-04-06 Dominic Wicks 20 GK
0 Imkecci
2010-03-19 Dominic Rogers 20 F
0 Imkecci
2010-03-14 John Wijkström 25 D
6 132 000 Mibjugh
2010-02-16 Juka Berberovic 20 D
0 Imkecci
2010-01-19 Mario Dalmonte 30 D
0 Imkecci
2009-12-26 Marcelo França 33 F
2 300 004 Mibjugh
2009-12-20 Grant Burbanks 18 D
0 Imkecci
2009-11-01 Rogério Siempre 34 D
0 Imkecci
2009-09-06 Zico Nogueira 31 MF
2 421 132 Mibjugh
2009-06-16 Jacob Morrell 19 D
0 Imkecci
2009-06-16 Jorge Anchen 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2009-06-06 Harri Lyyski 25 D
14 430 024 Mibjugh
2009-03-15 Spencer Arthurs 20 F
1 620 024 Mibjugh
2009-02-13 Djalminha Edmar 33 GK
278 544 Mibjugh
2009-01-14 Antonio Montana 19 F
0 Imkecci
2008-12-20 Jannik Troelsen 19 D
40 068 Mibjugh
2008-11-27 Roque Renaldo 28 F
5 040 000 Mibjugh
2008-11-20 Ramón Pernambucano 31 D
0 Imkecci
2008-11-18 Jorge Parreira 32 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-09-28 Ayrton Bertoldo 30 D
882 000 Mibjugh
2008-08-17 Rodrigo Círio 32 F
0 Imkecci
2008-07-07 Christiano Assayg 34 MF
0 Spicca
2008-06-17 Dwight Willoughby 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-05-02 Andre Quintal 29 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-03-28 Chaiyanuchit Phingphaew 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-03-07 Luiz Barcellos 31 D
0 Imkecci
2008-02-28 Ronaldo Fontas 30 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-02-18 Paulo Correia 23 D
0 Imkecci

Menu tat-tim


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