Locomotiva Vermelha
Division 3h, Classic League
Manager: Munty
Prima declaratie de presa
Buna ziua stimata mass-media, dragi colegi si telespectatori. Ma simt onorat ca ma aflu in fata dumneavostra si ca toata atentia este concetrata spre mine.

O sa fiu cat mai scurt, pentru ca e foarte cald si dupa cum vedeti nici aerul conditionat nu face fata la aceasta caldura insuportabila. 

Am vrut sa va anunt ca incepand de azi am semnat un contract pe 3 sezoane cu aceasta echipa. Dar mai important e ca am revenit in acest minunat joc, pentru cei care ma cunosc. 

Am revenit dupa 1 an si 3 luni, datorita pandemiei si datorita situatiei create de acest virus Covid-19, care face ravagii pe intreaga planeta, din pacate.

Obiective pentru acest final de sezon nu vad care ar putea fi, suntem retrogadati matematic. Ne propunem pentru urmatoarele sezoane accederea in divizia de top iar in cupa nu pot sa ma pronunt in acest moment deoarece nu am analizat echipele din aceasta liga oficiala.

Cu alte amanunte ce tine de echipa o sa ma pronunt la momentul oportun.

Acestea fiind spuse incheiem aceasta declaratie de presa...

Va multumesc inca o data pentru atentia acordata.

Cele bune!

Noua nu ne ramane decat sa-i uram un calduros "bine ai revenit" si desigur, mult succes la noua echipa! Dar ramane totusi o intrebare, este Xpert Eleven un virus puternic pentru cei ce au fost "infectati" candva de acest joc?

2020-07-29 19:06 1326 Besøkende Reporter: Adisan92

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Its those dang Pandas again!
Yes, that's right, Jesus and his Pandas are back for yet another league and cup double as the Ultimate League season concludes.

XCL LXXI (71) Group Stage review
Hooligans, Angels, Giant and Pink Pandas, Angry and PANIC teams, all Glory Finding in the group stage hoping to make it through to the knock out stage

Game updates: an interview with Saarde
Face editing, new skill bar colours, AI teams in private leagues, and more. Saarde talks about the changes with explanations and insights.

*New update 2024 - AI and more*
The game has seen updates in a number of areas, that were all implemented on the 1st of April

Two more MotW winners
Patrese and BlueArm06 join the increasing list of first time winners of Manager of the Week

Nail biting to the end in Xpert Ladies
A title fight so close that the victor admits it took them a day and a quarter to pluck up the courage to find out how it ended

Manager of the Week: Speed723
The Need for Speed723 continues at My-Tee Athletic as the club hunts down a place in the top flight of the Ultimate League

Sometimes the camel can be king
Team of the month are Beasts in the league then a cup burden helps the little guy to a big prize

Xpert Champions League LXXI
The 71st season of Xpert Champions League has been drawn.

XCL LXX (70) Knockout stages to final
16 teams left in the competition and now even Not Bothered Buzzards are getting a bit bothered while the Angry Birds are getting angrier
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