SMK Bulls
Division 2a, Xtreme League
Treinador: Antitrust
Transferring talent

Antitrust looked at the silver trophy in his hands and felt surprised.

He walked over to the window and reflected on his colourful surroundings. He had always hated the noisy Xtreme League with its fantastic, fancy fans. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel surprised.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Dixie Normous. Dixie was a young defender with blue eyes and tattooed arms.

Antitrust gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a tactless, malicious, gin drinker with solid eyes and fragile arms. His friends saw him as a grieving, green god. Once, he had even brought an injured teammate back from the brink of death.

But not even a tactless person who had once brought an injured teammate back from the brink of death, was prepared for what Dixie had in store today.

The hail pounded like running toads, making Antitrust sad.

As he stepped outside and Dixie came closer, he could see the wry smile on his face.

"Look manager," growled Dixie, with an intelligent glare that reminded manager of cute rats. "I hate you and I want transferred. You owe me 7597 econs."

Antitrust looked back, even more sad and still fingering the silver trophy. "Dixie, I won't sell you" he replied.

They looked at each other with relaxed feelings, like two tart, tight tortoises scoring at a very splendid football match, which had trance music playing in the background and two virtuous uncles tackling to the beat.

He regarded Dixie's blue eyes. "I don't need the funds ..." he lied.

Dixie glared. "Do you want me to shove that silver trophy where the sun don't shine?"

Antitrust promptly remembered his tactless and malicious values. "Actually, I do need the funds," he admitted. He reached into his pockets. "Here's what I owe you, and you'll be sold to the highest bidder."

Dixie Normous looked happy, his wallet now blushing like a breakable, boiled banana.

Then Antitrust came inside for a nice drink of gin.

2020-08-01 23:39 3937 Visitas Jornalista: TonyBrazil

Treinador inconformado com resultado.

Goleada na Taça!!
Missão impossível.

Versão Tondela Divisão 4n
Volte-face na última jornada.

Massacrados pela sorte.
Temporariamente predestinados.

1º Jornada e Festa da Taça!!
Mister satisfeito mas quer ir mais longe na Taça.
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2021-03-05 01:31 Subir a moral
2021-03-05 01:29 Vitória contundente
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2021-02-25 01:06 Nuno Mendão Desculpas Evitam-se. MAS !!
2021-02-23 23:02 Equipa apupada após eliminação na Taça
2021-02-23 22:53 Épico! (Taça)
2021-02-22 05:57 Vitória encorajadora
2021-02-19 19:53 " Nuno Mendão "
2021-02-17 02:44 Relatório de Mudança dos Jogadores!
2021-02-17 02:26 Nova época
2021-02-13 13:38 Toma!
2021-02-11 21:11 A Recompensa do Esforço!! Campeões....
2021-02-04 00:38 Chegou a hora, chegou o momento
2021-02-04 00:34 1ª Volta - Balanço por baixo...
2021-01-31 01:43 Defeso.
2021-01-28 01:59 Rescaldo da última época
2021-01-25 01:52 ...
2021-01-25 01:37 Nova época
2021-01-20 06:56 Mais vale tarde do que nunca!!
2021-01-20 00:00 Campeões!!!
2021-01-13 14:21 Fortuna e eficácia!
2021-01-13 14:18 Poucos golos para tanta superioridade!!
2021-01-10 09:13 Campeã
2021-01-07 01:00 Ainda ontem...

Atualizações - Saarde em entrevista
Editor de cara, novas cores da barra de nível, equipas com IA em ligas privadas e mais. Saarde fala das alterações com explicações e perceções.

Nova Atualização 2024 - IA e mais
O jogo foi alvo de atualizações, a vários níveis, introduzidas todas no dia 1 de Abril.

Xpert Champions League LXII
Sorteio da edição 62

A Xpert Champions League LXI
O sorteio da edição 61.

Mais um treinador e nação a escrever o seu nome no Hall of Fame.

Saarde fala sobre as novas alterações
Seis anos depois mudanças foram efetuadas, incluindo um novo Ver O Jogo. Elas são debatidas e explicadas aqui pelo programador.

Ver o Jogo? Fica atento!
O bom velho "Ver o Jogo" parece estar de volta com uma nova roupagem.

Xpert Champions League LX
A Sexagésima edição foi sorteada. Conta com 5 treinadores lusos. Sem o campeão em título, com o finalista Censurados e mais alguns regressos.

Game Over
O Flash Player finda no final do ano e com isso termina também a possibilidade de "Ver o Jogo" no web browser.

Xpert Champions League LIX
A 59ª edição da Xpert Champions League foi sorteada.
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